October 20, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, Children's book, etsy, flowers, inspired by children, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: Alice in Wonderland, illustration, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, original painting, White Rabbit | Comments Off on Alice Spots The White Rabbit

A beauty amongst the beauties. Don’t you think?
8″x12″ profile canvas (3″deep). The sides are painted red.
Double click on the painting to get directly to my etsy shop.
October 20, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, flowers, illustration, inspired by children, life, Mother finding time, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings | Tags: art, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, Painting, poppies | Comments Off on Poppies