Mixed Media Artist

Archive for October 27, 2008

The Albino Girl

Another circus image.  Step right up and see  THE ALBINO GIRL!  I thought her ghost like appearance was fitting giving that it is almost Halloween.  I think she is beautiful, even if she is a little bit spooky.


Another Art Lover and Supportive Blogger!

Hey! Check it out!  I was featured on this lovely woman’s blog, ‘Clancy’s Classics’, today. http://clancysclassics.blogspot.com/ . It is a great blog where she features different etsy artists.  I am so lucky to have been included. She  even compared me to Chagal AND potato chips, two of my most favorite things!  Can it get any better?

In all seriousness, I cannot stress how nice it is to know you are appreciated, sometimes when you are in the middle of it all, you loose sight of what you are doing and you  wonder if  what you are doing is any good at all.

Thanks Marianne!

This photo is of Imogen looking at a Chagal when we visited MOMA last summer.

The Painted Lady

The painted lady.  My fascination with the circus continues.

This is a 8″x10″ mixed media painting on a wood stretcher.