Mixed Media Artist

The Thinker

It is amazing to me how children become who they become so early on in life.  Imogen has always been a thinker.  Very compassionate and sensitive.  When she was less than a year old, you could not sing certain songs to her because they would make her cry.  Really cry, like her little heart was going to break.  Two of these songs were My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean and Momma’s Going To Buy You A Mocking Bird.  As she has gotten older, it hasn’t really changed.  She basically doesn’t like songs sung in a minor key.  This kind of rules out  lullabies.  Maybe that is why we didn’t sleep for that three month period when she was first born!  We thought we were comforting her but we were actually distressing her!   I have since asked her why she didn’t like the Mocking Bird song and she said because the mamma kept taking everything away from the baby.

My friend took this picture of her and  it seems to capture her in a moment of deep thought.  Who knows what she was thinking about at the time, she could have just been contemplating what she wanted to whine about next!  A five year old’s prerogative, you know.