Mixed Media Artist

Archive for May, 2009

My Name Is Buca …


8.5″x10.5″ mixed media painting on paper

A Commission And Then Off Again!

Portrait for Randallsm

This is a new portrait I just finished. It is mixed media, 11.5″x15.5″ on rag paper.
I have been so crazy busy, unpacking only to repack again. We were in Grande Prairie for my art show ‘Moving Life’ ( I sold 11 paintings!) and now I am trying to get ready to go to Victoria. Poor Imogen is missing a lot of kindergarten but she had a wonderful time in GP and always loves her trips to Victoria so…..it is worth it to me. I guess that this will have to change next year, we can’t be missing too much of grade one.
Anyway, this portrait is what I have been up to painting wise. I am also working on another doggy portrait. (Another cutie … but you’ll just have to wait to see that one.)

Beaverlodge, Alberta- Yikes!


Patrick Wolf


The person that bought this painting (Circus Girl With Newsprint Flowers) said that Patrick Wolf reminded them of my art. Can You SEE the smile on my face. I think that it will be there all day, I love being an artist! You meet the coolest people!

Cat Dancing

cat-dancingsmThis is a new 8.5″x11′ mixed media painting on rag paper.

I once had a book on cats that paint.  It was pretty hilarious.  So, if cats paint, surely it is not that much of a stretch to think that they could dance as well.  If Beijing did dance,  Imogen would definitely be his partner.


concentrationsm1This is a new 8.5″x10.5″ mixed media painting on paper.  I was going to name it ‘Girl With A $500 Cat’ (grrrrrrrr …)


‘Concentration’ really seems to sum it up.


New Treasury – Silent Garbo


This has been included in a new etsy treasury, check it out:
