Mixed Media Artist

Archive for October 11, 2009

Trust Me

5.5x 8.5 mixed media painting

Trust me

Just Jump
don’t look down
If you jump with honesty
you will always find yourself on solid ground

I am on my second year of jumping with honesty. I am not sure where my new paintings are taking me. I can’t stop changing but I can’t stop.
The last little while I have felt as though someone else has taken the wheel and I can barely catch my breath as I am whirled along at break neck speed.
Can’t I just stay and do these for a little while longer?
No, we have to keep moving.
Will I ever do these again?
Uncertain, maybe, but never the same way.
Hmmm, this makes me sad but at the same time I guess this would always be true and king of reassuring. This seems right. Deep down this is the right answer.
Forced to continue to grow.
OK, I will go for the ride. I am curious to see what is next.
As long as I am going with honesty, I am willing to take that jump.