I Could Talk To You …
16″x16″ mixed media painting in canvas.
16″x16″ mixed media painting in canvas.
Getting close to finishing this one. I watched this amazing ‘Nature Of Things’ on crows the other night. Wonderful timing for me, hey? Don’t things just work like that sometimes? When stuff like that happens, I always think that I must be on the right path.
It is like for the first time ever I heard the term netflix. Someone on facebook just wrote about it, then tonight it came up in the book I am reading (Julie and Julia). I am not sure what that means. I should move to the US or rent a movie or just keep reading the book but I though it was pretty neat.
Back to the crows.
I remember when I was little my dad told me that if you split a crow’s tongue that you can teach them to talk. On looking this up I find that it is actually not necessary to do this and that if you hand raise a crow from young, you can teach them how to talk just like you would a parrot. More info on this can be found in this amazing book