THE ART WALK … (and something free for you)
Well, 2010 Whyte Ave Art Walk is upon us again and I am busy, busy, busy! I have tons of new postcards and reproductions AND of course originals for sale! Stop by and say ‘hi’ and if you tell me that you read my blog, I will give you two 4″x6″ postcards for free + 10% off any purchase over $50.
I am really looking forward to the weekend but I have to be honest, I am a little afraid about the weather. It has been POURING here. My paintings do not like water very much! SO cross your fingers for me and sing ‘rain, rain go away don’t come back till art walk is done’.
Here is an article about me
I just wanted to take this time to shout out about few artists that have supported and/or inspired me the last little while, please check out their blogs and tell them I sent you: