Mixed Media Artist

bright colours

Hopes And Desires

This is a 18″x14″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas.
This painting is available HERE.

We have all experienced dream crushers in our life. Those people that think it is their job to inform us that are dreams are impractical or unrealistic. Growing up working for my parents at their small Inn in Victoria, I met many people, strangers really , the felt that it was up to them to tell me that my desire to be an artist was just plain silly.
‘Art is hobby’ one couple told my sixteen year old self as I poured them coffee for breakfast.
It is amazing to me, when I think back, at how many people told me this. It got to the point that I stopped telling people what I was studying or what my goals were.
Their comments did not changed my desire to be an artist but they did make me feel that it was perhaps a hopeless dream. After all, how do you BECOME an artist? Sure you can go to college and university but let me tell you a little secret, it is not much different there. My professors may have well been those people that I served at sixteen. They were actually teaching us that being an artist for a living was a crazy idea and not only THAT, but if you did manage to make an living as an artist, it must mean that you have sold out.
It is no surprise that I remained confused about my desire to be an artist for a very long time. Until I turned forty, actually.
What changed when I turned forty? I was able to turn off those dream crusher voices in my head and realize that the way to become an artist is to create art. As often as possible. End of story. There is no great mystery here. Maybe I am not making as much money as some one with a ‘real job’ but holey moley, I am doing something that I LOVE TO DO.
There is value in that.
There is joy in that.
There is something so SACRED about that.

The thing that makes me so crazy is that, as a parent, I work so hard to cultivate and encourage my children’s dreams and yet one person can come along and destroy it all with a few ‘helpful’ words. So remember, next time a young person tells you what they want to do with their life, just listen, bite your tongue if you have to. Don’t be a dream crusher, be a dream cultivator. *************************************************************************************************

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.

-Robert Kiyosak

Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death.

-Kahlil Gibran

It is a miserable state of mind to have few things to desire and many things to fear.

-Francis Bacon, Viscount St Albans

Awaking Dreams

This is a 8″x10″mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5 and are painted red.
This painting is available HERE.

“Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.”

~ Henry Van Dyke

Dream Magic

This is 6″x12″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep and are painted red.
This painting is available HERE.

Technicolour Dreams

This is a 6″x8″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep and are painted red.
This painting is available HERE.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Lovely Dreamer

This is a 6″x8″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep and are painted red.
This painting is $80 and is available HERE.

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Shel Silverstein

I love my children so much. They are my dreams. When I look at them I can’t help but thinking that ‘anything’ truly can be. Thanks Mr. Silverstein for encouraging children to dream.


This is a 6″x12″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep and are painted turquoise.
This painting is $90 and is available HERE.
On ‘Freeing’:
I have to say, I have always felt that wearing men’s ware as a women is not only incredibly sexy but very freeing as well. I am not sure that men feel this way but I have always loved stars that have opted to go this route. Think Katherine Hepburn, Diane Keaton, Marlene Dietrich and even Madonna. I guess I just really like the fact that you don’t have to be showing all that much skin and still have amazing sex appeal. It is kind of empowering. Like I said, not sure if the guys actually like it. I remember going to a school dance dressed up as Charlie Chaplin and I can tell you, I didn’t dance at all that evening. Perhaps a mustache on a woman is never that sexy and, in retrospect, going to a dance at an all boys school and dressed up as a ‘boy’ is probably not the greatest idea I’ve ever had, even if it was Halloween.

This Saturday we had our first art lesson in the loft. Having just all seen the local art gallery’s exhibit of Matisse, I decided that this would be an excellent jumping off point.
Here is what the girls’ created.
( Scarlett was a little creative with the blue eyeshadow before we even got started!)

Meg, signs her creation.
I think they all did a wonderful job!

The Moody Dreamer

This is a 4″x6″ mixed media painting. The sides are painted turquoise and .75″ deep.
This painting is $55 and is available HERE.

Scarlett is not the best at getting up in the morning. She is moody to say the least. She comes by it honestly. I am not a morning person. She was special helper at preschool today which was great because it gives me something to wake her with.
“Scarlett, time to get up! Remember, you are special helper today!”
She literally FLEW out of bed!
I need to have one of these motivators every morning, it made life so much easier!

My Red Crown and Cape

This is a 6″x8″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are painted red and are 1.5″ deep.
This painting is $80 and is available HERE.

Yesterday, Scarlett was telling me what her day at preschool was like.

SCARLETT: We went to the gym and I played super hero with Atticus … no, actually, Atticus was a super villain, not a super hero.
ME: Oh, what was his super villain powers?
Scarlett: (Looking at me with much pity and disbelief) He didn’t TELL me.
ME: Oh right. Well, what was your super power?
SCARLETT: ( standing up and putting her right arm in the air) CLEANING!
ME: Now that IS a good super power.
(Here is hoping that this super hero comes for a visit to our house because I am pretty sure her arch-nemesis is living here!)

I love the way kids play super hero. My girls have had their moments, but the desire to be a princess is always stronger. I think that the cape is more of a boy thing. I remember a long time ago, before I even had kids, knowing a woman who had a boy who would not leave his house without his cape. I love that.

You Have My Heart

This is a 6″x12″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ and painted red.
This painting is $120 and is available HERE.

Looking on with love.
Who has her heart?
Daddy of course!

This weekend I had a birthday and what a nice present, I had two wonderful artists post my art on their beautiful blogs!
Please take a look:

Art Memiors



This is a 6″x8″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas. The canvas is 1.5″ deep and is painted RED.
This painting is $80 and is available HERE.

Two more days of 42…onward to 43. YIKES! How is that possible???


First Give Away Of 2011- Marvel, Dream

I like the question idea from the last give away. We all have a lot to be grateful for, that is clear.
I’ve been thinking about what my January topic should be. I was going to ask what your resolutions for the new year are or what you want from this upcoming year but instead, I am going to ask for a name of a book or movie that has inspired or effected you in some way.( Or Perhaps, it just made you feel warm inside. ) I have been watching the TV lately and everything seems so glum and dismal and I don’t don’t want to start the year off like that. Let’s exchange inspiring and uplifting books/movies to one another. Wouldn’t that be fun?

My first offer is non fiction:
“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. Read it, do it and change your life.

My second offer is fiction:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Just such a great story. I could read it again and again.

My Movie recommendations is:
Alice by Woody Allen. This movie is such a wonderful fairy tale and a real reminder that living authentically is the only way.

I will offer up some more as the month goes on.
I’d love to hear from you and if I do, your name could be drawn at the end of the month to win a 5″x6″ OOAK reproduction on canvas of the below painting.
Write your suggestion(s) in the comment section of this post. I am really looking forward this!

‘Marvel, Dream’

Deep In The Night Garden

This is a 10″x10″ mixed media painting in wood. The sides are 1″ and are painted red.
This painting is $110 and SOLD
The day before yesterday, Turner Classic Movies played ‘Pride And Prejudice’ starring Greer Garson. I couldn’t take my eyes of the HATS! They were all so elaborate but what really struck me was the amazing black and white Tim Burton stripes! They were a delight to my senses and I just had to paint one of these divinely beautiful ‘stripey’ hats!

This is what I was thinking as I did this painting:

Deep In The Night Garden

She thinks so deeply for someone so young
The world’s troubles painfully worn behind her eyes
She would rather walk in the air of the night garden, her eyes wide open
Than be tucked in bed, her eyes shut tight
Asleep, she can no longer control where her mind wanders
Asleep, she must go where her dreams take her
Not where she dreams to be taken
She would prefer to walk deep into the night garden
Eyes wide open

ETSY SALE and Felt And Lace

This is a 11″x14″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas. This painting is 1.5″ deep and is painted red on the sides.

This painting is $225 and is available HERE.

OK fist ever, sale on etsy. 15% off of all ORIGINAL PAINTINGS. You can use etsy’s new COUPON system. The code word is ‘BLACK’ because this sale is good now until MIDNIGHT (mountain time) FRIDAY 26th (Black Friday).


She’s Just A Little Girl

This is a 6″x12″ mixed media painting on clayboard. The sides are painted red with newsprint butterflies and are 2″ deep.
This painting is SOLD

This is something that I have to remind myself often. Especially when it comes to my seven-year old, I find it much easier to remember when it comes to my four-year old. I always have. I have always expected more from Imogen. When I look back on what I expected from her when she was four I kind of cringe. I guess this the curse of being the oldest and born to an older mother who was set in her ways perhaps, and had way to long to build those expectations. You know what I mean. The times when we would see children in public and think, “if they were my kids ….” (fill in the black with all of your ‘non parent’ wisdom HERE). Or, on the other side of that, when I was trying to have a child unsuccessfully for five LONG years and I would see a mother or father completely ignoring their kid begging for gum as they were standing in the line to buy groceries and I would think “NEVER! I will NEVER ignore my children, I will talk to them, I always engage them in stimulating and meaningful conversation”. I didn’t realize that they weren’t ignoring their kids they were simply WORN OUT. They can do that, you know, after the 100th time or begging for something in the grocery store, that DOES tend to happen.
This all being said, I must remember she is just a little girl more often. I know that I am a good mother, but I could be better. Couldn’t we all? I was watching TV making dinner the other day (yes, I have a TV in my kitchen! I know, I know) and I saw the worst thing I have ever seen on TV. I am not going to mention the show but it was basically about a mother abusing her child in the most horrific and twisted unimaginable way, and this is the stuff we were privy to. And the first thing I thought of was ‘ he is just a little boy’ and then I had to turn it off because it made me ache so bad that a child would have to endure anything like this from his own mother. What hope does a child in this situation have?
And as bad as this was, I have to tell you, it doesn’t have to be THAT abusive to have long-term scaring effects on a child. How about a teacher that tells a child in front of their peers that they will be getting a bad report card if they don’t start behaving? Don’t think that kind of shaming isn’t going to have a negative effect on a child. Unfortunately for the child and teacher, probably an immediate effect.
Anyway, I was just thinking about all of this when I was painting this one and I know what I have wrote it is a bit rambling but really what I am trying to say is those words ‘shes just a little girl’ were circling around my head but what I was thinking about was ‘they are just children’ and they are really delicate and we have so much power over them. We all just really need to remember to be kind.


This is a mixed media diptych on wood.
The sides are 1″ deep and are turquoise.
Painting, painting, painting….eating it, breathing it, living it …. these are my aspirations…but they are tiring.

To Catch A Glimpse

This is a 12″x16 ” mixed media painting on a wood stretcher. The sides are 1.5″ and are red. This painting is $280 + shipping and is available HERE

There is something about this poise that I love. I have painted it before and called it Waiting.

He is watching her. She pretends not to notice but holds her breath in anticipation as she attempts to look back over her raised shoulder to catch a glimpse of him watching her.

You Are The One

This is 3″x5″mixed media painting on paper covered canvas. The sides are painted red and are 1.5″ deep. This painting is $50 and is available HERE.

Fancy Plumage

FancyPlumage sm
This is a 12″x12″ mixed media painting on clayboard.

Hey, what is that peeking over the side?

Fancy Plumage side

Connie Crow (Tentative Start)

12″x16″ mixed media painting on clay board
$300 + shipping.
To purchase click HERE
Connie Crow was one of the Crow sisters. I can’t remember the the name of the other two sisters.

OK, I am fairly sure that Connie Crow did not look like this. Actually I am 100% sure that she didn’t but I hey, that is what they call artistic license. I am a card carrying member and not only is the membership free, there is no expiry date on the card.

That aside, I was thinking about the Crow sisters and how they never married and why that was. All three of them. I guess it is not so strange but I can’t help it and I know it sounds so needy and not very modern but whenever I meet an old woman that never married I wonder why. Choice? Fate? Tragedy? It is not such a strange thing now a days but back in the turn of the 18th century and into the early to mid 1900’s it was pretty much expected that you are going to marry. So many didn’t however. If they had wanted to and never found a companion, or (as I know was the case for many) were obligated to stay and look after their siblings or relatives because the Mother had died, it is so sad. If they were not going to put up with any MAN telling them how to live their life , then GREAT on them. I am just CURIOUS as to why.

When I was growing up in the Guesthouse, before my parents converted it into a B&B, there were many people that had lived there for decades. They were all single, and before you get any wild ideas, really old. Not all of them never married, some were widows/ers or divorcees (this I am only assuming, as it was not something that people spoke freely of back then, especially in front of a seven year old). Perhaps this is where my curiosity stems from. I wanted to know these people’s stories but as a child could never ask. Now the answers are gone forever.

Miss. Gregg and Miss. Roberts were two women that lived in the Guesthouse that never married.

Miss Gregg was a retired grade one school teacher that was so wonderfully kind to me. She wore her soft white hair in a bun, was completely bent over ( and I mean completely), was in her nineties and had elephantiasis. None of these things stopped her from climbing the two flights of stairs to her room at the top of the house at least three times a day. Unlike many of the tourist that would stay in her room years later, she never complained. Not about the stairs and certainly not about the size of her room. She lived in that room for decades and it was crammed with trunks ,books and in my mind as a child, mystery and treasure. She was so good with children it always made me sad that she never had any of her own.

She used to say great things like ‘many hands make light work’ as we would set the tables together, she would pinch her cheeks ‘just to add a little colour’ and her drink of choice was teoffee, a blend of coffee and tea. (Nobody is perfect).

Miss Roberts was the pampered daughter of a Sea Captain. She couldn’t have been more different than Miss Greg. Miss Greg was a lady in every way. Estelle, was not. She was kind of lazy and loved to lounge in her room looking at ‘movie magazines’ and eating chocolates. She wasn’t really interested in me, I am not sure I really existed in her world which was fine with me as I found her slightly frightening. Perhaps here is where I should mention that she looked rather a lot like the sea hag from Popeye when she didn’t wear her teeth, which was most of the time as she lost them or forgot them often. Most frequently she would take them out at the dinner table,wrapping them up in her napkin, I am guessing as an attempt to not offend her dinner companions and then, placing her napkin in her lap she would promptly forget where she put them. When she would get up at the end of her meal she would either leave them behind in her napkin which would mean routing around in the garbage a few hours later looking for her teeth or her napkin would fall on the ground and out her teeth would roll onto the dining room floor for everyone to see. So much for not offending her dinner companions.

Miss Greg had no time for her and would angrily shake her head and say “Oh! Estelle!” as if she was talking to one of her six year old students. Miss Roberts didn’t give one care. She may have had ripped stockings and a slip that hung haphazardly down below her skirt but she did have spunk.
What was she like when she was young? One can only wonder. I don’t know why she never married. She couldn’t have always looked like the Sea Hag ( hey funny that her dad was a Sea Captain!) or like my mother would say had a face like the map of Girbaltar. You really have never seen so many wrinkles but on another note, have you ever heard this expression? I just made myself laugh out loud typing it.
My Irish mother has the craziest expressions that she always qualifies first by saying ‘ as my mother would say’. I guess I just did that as well, so I guess I am keeping that alive.
But some of these expressions are not very PC and may be better off forgotten. Sometimes I don’t even know what they mean before they come out of my mouth.
Once I said ‘I almost split my kipper’ to a boyfriend’s mother because I had almost slipped and fallen down. Now, this wasn’t one of my mother’s expressions but she had told me numerous times about her friend who when after saving herself from a slip had exclaimed this. I just never put two and two together, not until the words were being formed and leaving my mouth and heading directly toward my boyfriend’s mother’s ears. It was like a light bulb went on and it was suddenly crystal clear exactly what that expression meant and why my mother had retold it so many times. She didn’t think it was funny, what she thought was it was in unbelievably bad taste. It was too late. It was out there. Now I will be the one that will be thought of as having unbelievably bad taste because as bad as it was coming out of my mouth, I at least hadn’t qualified it with; ‘as my mother would say’.

Three Sisters

OK, so there were three crow sisters, not two. One died a few years before the other two.

I was thinking about this while I was painting today. I was thinking about how close those three sisters were. Living together all those years. Sharing their lives for over eight decades. What must it have been like to watch your sister go. What must it have been like to be the last one left? Sometimes life is so sad that I can’t even bare it.

I was also thinking about crows and how they share their life with one partner. Birds are often like this, aren’t they? monogamous. Maybe it is my Catholic up bringing but when ever I hear about animals that are monogamous I feel even more of an affinity to them. Kind of silly, I guess.

Crows will also do this very strange kind of memorial service for a crow that has been killed. They will all gather for a moment of silence and then disperse. Without a sound.

I am sure you have seen a crow standing at the side of the road looking down at his dead kin. I have even seen them prod them gently with his beak as if to try to get them to move. I have always been touched by this seen. There was no doubt in my mind that I was witnessing immense grief in this animal.

This new painting is about all of these things. Companionship. Grief. Ghosts. It is in progress.
We are are here, and then we are gone.
Sorry for being so morbid today. I don’t mean to be a downer.
Three Sisters

I Could Talk To You …

16″x16″ mixed media painting in canvas.
no name crow
16″x16″ mixed media painting in canvas.

Getting close to finishing this one. I watched this amazing ‘Nature Of Things’ on crows the other night. Wonderful timing for me, hey? Don’t things just work like that sometimes? When stuff like that happens, I always think that I must be on the right path.

It is like for the first time ever I heard the term netflix. Someone on facebook just wrote about it, then tonight it came up in the book I am reading (Julie and Julia). I am not sure what that means. I should move to the US or rent a movie or just keep reading the book but I though it was pretty neat.

Back to the crows.

I remember when I was little my dad told me that if you split a crow’s tongue that you can teach them to talk. On looking this up I find that it is actually not necessary to do this and that if you hand raise a crow from young, you can teach them how to talk just like you would a parrot. More info on this can be found in this amazing book

The Roots of Wallpaper and Patterns

Crow And Art Deco Wallpaper
Crow With Art Deco Wallpaper
mixed media on clayboard (sides are painted red)

I have written before about my love of wallpaper. I think that it stems from the 17 room B & B hotel that my parents run in Victoria.

I was seven when we first moved into what we call the Guesthouse. There were many rooms in this three story 1913 Arts and Crafts house and most were wallpapered. My dad refreshed many of these rooms with new wallpaper (remember, this was the seventies so wallpaper was very popular). There were different textures, patterns and colours, all of which I was fascinated by.

The front hallway of the guest house has an amazing floral print with black background. It reminds me very much of the Art deco wallpaper I have painted in the above piece.

Once again, I can not help but return to the ghosts of my past. The stuff that fills our senses at such a young age, that stuff sticks with us and forms who we are with out our even realizing. The problem for me now is that I realize that and every time something happens to Imogen or Scarlett I think “How is that going to shape them? What will that do them as a forty year old woman? What will they be remembering?”

Wallpaper, back to the wall paper.

My dad wallpapered my entire room in baroque pink. It was an attic room so he even did the ceiling!
He was/is good at wallpaper. He taught me how. One winter we wallpapered all the bathrooms in the guesthouse in various stripes. It was fun and I got pretty good at it. Another time we wallpapered the ceiling of the front room with embossed wallpaper; NOT so fun.

I remember, on a trip to Orcas Island when I was around twelve, lying on my bed at The Outlook Inn, drawing the wallpaper. It was raining so hard that we had to stay in. I think that it rained all that weekend but I did have a full colour representation of our hotel room’s wallpaper by the end of it.

It is funny because I am not much for prints or patterns on my clothing. I like solids.
In my paintings, however, I love patterns. People will tell me it reminds them of Matisse. And as much as I love Matisse, and I do, it is my mother who has blessed me with my fascination of prints. Her style can only be described as eclectic. She manages to put together a hundred different prints in one room and make it looks fabulous. She loves it, so it goes. It is as pure as that. No swatches to match this with that at the fabric store. She decorates with her heart and her rooms reflect that. They are as comfortable and warm as being wrapped up in her arms, pressed so close to her bosom that you can hear her heart beat.

The Little Red Crow

3″x5″ mixed media on canvas

Another Painting In Progress … Girl On A Train

Girl On A Train 2
16″x20″ mixed media painting on canvas
I have been doing this one for awhile, on and off. It is almost done, but not quite. I am not sure, but it doesn’t feel finished. The palette is a little different for me, maybe that is why.