Mixed Media Artist

bright colours

ACEO Joy 2


This is a new ACEO I did recently.  I have been challenging myself trying to capture extreme expressions without having them look distorted or unatural.  It is hard.  I think I managed to do it.  I love the way children really feel the joy with their whole body.  Head back, mouth open.  Just pure pleasure in the moment.

This one is available in my etsy shop.

my-red-guitarAlso, this painting was included in a new treasury on etsy called It’s A Dog’s Life

This one is called ‘My Red Guitar’ and is available on Etsy

Red Pears

This new mixed media painting is 11.5″x15.5″ on 100% rag paper.


IF ‘Resolve’ Pink Frosting

This year, I resolve to NOT eat Imogen’s cupcakes after she has licked the frosting off them.aceopink-frostings


I just finished this 11.5″x15.5″ mixed media painting.  Joy, just pure joy.


IF ‘Clandestine’ – Now That I Have Your Attention


The Clandestine Meeting

Now that I have your attention

The meeting will now begin

What do two white ravens need to discuss?

They would like it to be noted in the records

They are not albino

They simply have some type of mutant gene

They like that they are symbolic of peace

And they really like the gold sequins on your hat

That is all

The meeting can now be adjourned

Circus Girl and Elephant


This is a 11.5X15.5″ mixed media painting of circus girl being rocked to sleep by Harriet, the circus elephant.

IF “Rambuntcious”-The Sword Swallower

Everyone said that she was  rambunctious as a child.

Even so, no one expected her to  grow up  to be a sword swallower.


This is a mixed media ACEO on paper.

Circus Girl And Strongman

circus-girl-and-strongmanThis is a 11.5″x15.5″ mixed media painting of Circus girl having her toes painted by the strongman.

ACEO The Girl And The Pear


This is a painting if Scarlett stealing a pear. I have this stool from IKEA that has felt on the bottom and she can move that thing around and get up to where she wants to before I even know what is up. Most of the time it is to steal food. Honest, I DO feed her!

Oh, and look, there is another empty chair. For those of you that follow my blog, you will know what I mean. For those of you that don’t, get with the program!


ACEO Willows Beach


At the end of September we went to Victoria.  September weather is usually pretty reliable and this was no exception.  We had  a few beach days with the girls. Scarlett is totally into the beach right now.  She would throw rocks in the water and scoop water into her sand bucket forever.

This little ACEO is of Scarlett sitting on one of my favorite beaches in Victoria; Willows.  In the summer you can get crinkle fries from the little tea house and eat them right on the beach.  On a rainy day, you can sit inside and have a cup of tea.  It is nothing fancy, it is charity run, but it is one of my most favorite things


IF Similar


The Orange Peelers, 1.5’x5′, mixed media on canvas, 2008



A Favorite topic of mine.    The ‘Orange Peeler’ Factory.  This idea came about when I handed Scarlett a bowl of tiny little oranges and she spent 2o minutes peeling them.  In a two year old’s world this is a very long time.   Anyway, that was the inspiration and then I just let my imagination fly!

The Red Beret- Mini Canvas


This is an original mixed media painting on a 2.5″x2.5″ mini canvas that I did today.  It is available here


Another Red Accordion


This is an original  8″x10″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas.

I did an ACEO of this same image a few days ago. I am just loving this new character and colour palette! Music is very much a part of our house. The girls just love to give Chris and I a concert. They both love applause. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Not me, Chris. I can’t play a note.

This painting is SOLD.

Little, Little Red Riding Hood


Here is a smaller version of Don’t Stray From The Path.  It is a mixed media ACEO that i finished today.


Oh, by the way, yesterday I was featured in this really neat newsletter called Paper Street’s Catch Of The Day,  this is a family operation (even their eight year old son is involved).  You have to subscribe to get the newsletter emailed to you  http://paperstreetsupplies.com/

They also have a shop on etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5291682

Thanks  you guys!

My Red Accordion

This ACEO is an original mixed media painting that I did today.

I love this new character. She is a harlequin musician. Here she is playing her red accordion. I plan on doing a larger version in the next couple of days.


My Red Guitar

I love my red guitar
It almost looks juicy
I could just eat it up
It makes sweet music
That fills me up
It makes me feel happy
It makes me feel content

This an original 11″x15.5″ mixed media painting on 100% rag paper.

This painting is available  here   http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16864305

Eating Watermelon

This is the third time that I have painted this subject.  I have done one ACEO and one 11″x15.5″ mixed media piece on paper.  This time around I have painted it on 11″x14″ profile canvas (3″deep).

This has been included in a treasury on etsy! http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=18516

It is avaiable in my etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16805616

Just Waking ACEO

I have just been added to another treasury on etsy!  http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=20638

The treasury is entitled Like A Kid In A Candy Store and was put together by  the wonderful artist Victoria Usova  http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5376404.

This is a original mixed media ACEO painting on 100% rag paper.

This painting is of Scarlett just waking. She does this wonderful thing with her lips when she is feeling kind of moody. My little Jessica Lange.

ACEO available here http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=vl_other_1&listing_id=16776504

Scarlett Plays The Piano ACEO

This is a original mixed media ACEO painting on 100% rag paper.

This painting is of Scarlett playing the piano. I have painted a large version of this (also for sale on etsy). I just get a kick out of how serious she takes herself. When she is done she says “thank everybody” and bows. Which is our cue to start clapping. Pronto.

ACEO available here http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16776763

The Thinker

It is amazing to me how children become who they become so early on in life.  Imogen has always been a thinker.  Very compassionate and sensitive.  When she was less than a year old, you could not sing certain songs to her because they would make her cry.  Really cry, like her little heart was going to break.  Two of these songs were My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean and Momma’s Going To Buy You A Mocking Bird.  As she has gotten older, it hasn’t really changed.  She basically doesn’t like songs sung in a minor key.  This kind of rules out  lullabies.  Maybe that is why we didn’t sleep for that three month period when she was first born!  We thought we were comforting her but we were actually distressing her!   I have since asked her why she didn’t like the Mocking Bird song and she said because the mamma kept taking everything away from the baby.

My friend took this picture of her and  it seems to capture her in a moment of deep thought.  Who knows what she was thinking about at the time, she could have just been contemplating what she wanted to whine about next!  A five year old’s prerogative, you know.


The Orange Peelers

I finally finished this canvas of Scarlett peeling oranges!  I have been putting it off for a long time but I’m done now and I am really happy with it.  As you may know, this is not the first time I have painted this subject, but this is the first time I have painted multiple Scarletts.  God knows that one of her is plenty!  I can’t imagine dealing with six of her. She found  the idea quite hilarious, pointing at each one individually and yelling “Scarlett!”.

This painting is a 11.5″x47″ mixed media painting on a 1.5″ profile canvas.


Don’t Stray From The Path

Little red riding hood knew she shouldn’t have strayed from the path.  Her mother had told her not to.  It was just that she wanted her grandmother to feel better and  knew that the sight of wild flowers would put a smile on her face.  But now, it was getting dark and she had the strangest feeling.  You know that feeling.  Like she was no longer alone.  Like someone was watching her.

Little red riding hood stopped picking flowers and stood up straight. Standing silently she listened for movement in the dark woods  surrounding her.  She moved the freshly picked flowers up toward her face. ‘Maybe their sweet smell would calm her’, she thought to herself, but this feeble gesture did nothing to ease her increasing feeling of  dread.  The harder she tried to listen, the louder her heartbeat pounded in her ears.  She was all at once being taken over by a horrible sense of foreboding.  Like she was being  devoured,  body and soul, by fear itself.


Scarlett Plays The Piano

I did this 8″x10″ mixed media painting today.  It is of Scarlett at the piano.  She really takes her playing quite seriously.  My five year also takes Scarlett’s playing quite seriously.  When Scarlett plays,  it SERIOUSLY bugs her!


A beauty amongst the beauties.  Don’t you think?

8″x12″ profile canvas (3″deep).  The sides are painted red.

Double click on the painting to get directly to my etsy shop.