It is amazing to me how children become who they become so early on in life. Imogen has always been a thinker. Very compassionate and sensitive. When she was less than a year old, you could not sing certain songs to her because they would make her cry. Really cry, like her little heart was going to break. Two of these songs were My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean and Momma’s Going To Buy You A Mocking Bird. As she has gotten older, it hasn’t really changed. She basically doesn’t like songs sung in a minor key. This kind of rules out lullabies. Maybe that is why we didn’t sleep for that three month period when she was first born! We thought we were comforting her but we were actually distressing her! I have since asked her why she didn’t like the Mocking Bird song and she said because the mamma kept taking everything away from the baby.
My friend took this picture of her and it seems to capture her in a moment of deep thought. Who knows what she was thinking about at the time, she could have just been contemplating what she wanted to whine about next! A five year old’s prerogative, you know.
October 30, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, crying, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, original art, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, five year old, Mamma's going to buy you a moccking bird, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, my bonnie lies over the ocean, original, Painting, sensitive | Comments Off on The Thinker

New ACEO of my green eyed girl looking so innocent. I wonder what she was up to?
ACEO available here http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16765407
October 30, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, Mother finding time, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, green eyes, innocence, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art | Comments Off on Green Eyes

You’re beautiful when you are mad. You’re beautiful when you are tired and even when you just wake up in the morning . And you don’t even care.
Beauty is wasted on children.
Meanwhile back at the ranch … here I am. Mad, tired and constantly feeling like I just woke up. And all because of children! And I DO care! As my five year old would say “That’s no fair!”.
October 30, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, beauty, children, Maria Pace-Wynters, original art | Comments Off on You’re Beautiful When You’re Mad

What can I say? I am a CNN junkie.
October 29, 2008 | Categories: life, mixed media, original art, Painting, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, anderson cooper, CNN, etsy, Maria Pace-Wynters | Comments Off on Anderson Cooper

I finally finished this canvas of Scarlett peeling oranges! I have been putting it off for a long time but I’m done now and I am really happy with it. As you may know, this is not the first time I have painted this subject, but this is the first time I have painted multiple Scarletts. God knows that one of her is plenty! I can’t imagine dealing with six of her. She found the idea quite hilarious, pointing at each one individually and yelling “Scarlett!”.
This painting is a 11.5″x47″ mixed media painting on a 1.5″ profile canvas.
October 28, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, Home, illustration, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, Uncategorized | Tags: Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, multiple two year olds, original art, Painting, Scarlett, tea and oranges | Comments Off on The Orange Peelers

This is an ACEO that I did today. It actually hasn’t snowed yet but I am anticipating it. It should happen any day now and lasts for … oh, ten months …OK eight …OK, OK six. Tomorrow is supposed to go as high 19 (that is nearly 70 for you Americans)! Maybe, for the kids’ sake it will hold off until after Halloween.
October 28, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings, Uncategorized, wool hat | Tags: ACEO, first snow, Halloween, Maria Pace-Wynters, original art, Painting, winter | Comments Off on The First Snow

I did this 8″x10″ mixed media painting today. It is of Scarlett at the piano. She really takes her playing quite seriously. My five year also takes Scarlett’s playing quite seriously. When Scarlett plays, it SERIOUSLY bugs her!
October 22, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, Home, illustration, inspired by children, life, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings | Tags: art and children, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original painting, piano, Scarlett, siblings | Comments Off on Scarlett Plays The Piano

A beauty amongst the beauties. Don’t you think?
8″x12″ profile canvas (3″deep). The sides are painted red.
Double click on the painting to get directly to my etsy shop.
October 20, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, flowers, illustration, inspired by children, life, Mother finding time, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings | Tags: art, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, Painting, poppies | Comments Off on Poppies

This painting was featured in Cynmb’s treasury on Etsy.
October 18, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, circus, etsy, Harlequin, illustration, inspired by children, life, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings | Tags: Imogen, Maria, original painting, Pace-Wynters | Comments Off on Imogen Harlequin

I love this coat so much. I just took it out of Scarlett’s closet so I could pass it on. Most items of clothes go through this process with out much thought but this outfit (there are matching pants) was worn by both of my girls and is a reminder that they are growing up way too fast!
This is a 8″x10″ mixed media painting on a Paulowina Wood profile strecher frame.
October 18, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings | Tags: children growing up, Corduroy, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, original painting | Comments Off on The Green Corduroy Coat

It was Imogen’s first day of school today. She put on a brave face but was a little nervous to be sure. What a sweetheart. I was so proud of her.
When she got home for lunch she said to me:
“I liked Kindergarten, but I didn’t LOVE it”.
September 4, 2008 | Categories: life, Pace-Wynters, Uncategorized | Tags: first day of school, funny things kids say, Imogen, Maria Pace-Wynters | Comments Off on Imogen Takes Off … sniff
Going to the park checklist:
Drink, Check.
Snack, Check.
Picnic Blanket, Check.
Sun Screen, Check, check, check, CHECK, CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Independent gets into the sunscreen! Oh well, at least we know she will be protected!
August 13, 2008 | Categories: Home, inspired by children, life | Tags: funny things kids do, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, sunscreen, two years olds | Comments Off on The Checklist

I eat my watermelon slice sitting under the apple tree
Sorry birdie
No seeds
The watermelon is so good
Sweet and cold
Juice dribbles down my chin
I squeal with delight
This an original mixed media piece on 100% rag paper.
August 9, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: apple tree, bird, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed medai, original art, original painting, poem, watermelon | Comments Off on Eating Watermelon In The Backyard

The meeting will now begin
What do two white ravens need to discuss?
The would like it to be noted in the records
They are not albino
They simply have some type of mutant gene
They like that they are symbolic of peace
And they really like the gold sequins on your hat
That is all
The meeting can now be adjourned
Hello everyone, now that I have your attention, I just wanted to let you know that I will be having a Etsy showcase in the Art section Aug10 starting at 12 am for 24 hours. All of my new stuff from the last week will be up. I’ve been working really hard and I hope that you enjoy it!
August 9, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: art showcase, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, original painting, poem, white ravens | Comments Off on Now That I Have Your Attention

Watermelon is such a great way to stay cool during the summer. My kids love watermelon but I have to be honest, this no seed business really kind of freaks me out. And besides, wasn’t spitting watermelon seeds all over the backyard part of the fun? Maybe it is just me.
This is an original mixed media ACEO on 100% rag paper.
August 9, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, original painting, spitting, summer, watermelon | Comments Off on Eating Watermelon

The title pretty much says it all. Both my girls love to blow kisses.
They especially love it when you catch the kisses they’ve blown to you.
This is an original mixed media ACEO on 100% rag paper.
August 8, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, blowing kisses, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, origianl art, original painting | Comments Off on Blowing Kisses 101

This is a new ACEO I did today. Even in this heat I managed to get a little bit of work done.
I love this cheeky grin. This summer, I feel like I have watched baby Scarlett turn into little girl Scarlett.
August 8, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, Painting, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, growing up, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, original painting, summer | Comments Off on Summer Grin

11.5″x15.5″, mixed media on 100% paper.
August 6, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, illustration, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, original painting | Comments Off on I See You

We have the most amazing pear tree growing in our back yard. I get real pleasure looking at this tree that we planted, only three years ago, in a yard that had nothing (and I mean NOTHING) in it. Not only has this tree tripled in size but it has fruit for the first time! This in EDMONTON! Truly amazing. This painting pays homage to our pear tree. The fruit hasn’t really made it to this size but one can dream.
August 5, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, dreams, etsy, flowers, Home, illustration, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: art, Edmonton, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, original painting, pear tree | Comments Off on The Pear Tree

I did this original mixed media ACEO on 100% rag today. I just love this vintage coat. It reminds me of a movie I saw set during world war ll. The boy in the movie was running through a forest of birch trees, there was snow on the ground and of course, the movie was black and white. Don’t ask me where all that came from. The picture looks nothing like it but it must have been the feeling it evoked in me. Anyway, I did a large version of this one a little while back and have wanted to paint it again ever since.
August 5, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, illustration, inspired by children, life, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, birch, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, Painting, vintage coat, winter | Comments Off on Winter Birch

The water lilies keep me cool
They bob around my floating head
My hair mimicking pond weeds
I feel the little fish bump up against my legs
A dragonfly lands on me
Perhaps he thinks that I am a log or even a flower
I am so still
Maybe he is kissing me
So very gently
As I lay here
August 4, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, collage, flowers, illustration, inspired by children, life, Lillies, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: dragonfly, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, original painting, poem, pond, staying cool, water lilies | Comments Off on The Water Lilies Keep Me Cool

This is an original 2.5″x3.5″ mixed media piece on 100% rag paper.
I guess Victoria was on my mind today. I miss it, what can I say …
rain and all.
August 1, 2008 | Categories: ACEO, Art with Children, etsy, Home, illustration, inspired by children, life, original art, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized, Victoria | Tags: art, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, Painting, rain | Comments Off on Victoria Rain

This is an original mixed media piece on 100% rag paper.
I had this little painting taped down for ages. I needed the the drawing board so I decided to finish it and I am glad I did. Poor little neglected painting.
This painting is of Scarlett peeling oranges. I have done several versions of this subject and am working on a large canvas of 5 Scarletts peeling oranges in a row. I call it The Orange Peelers or The Orange Peeler Factory. It all started when I discovered that by giving Scarlett a bowl of tiny oranges to peel I could buy myself at least 20 – 30 minutes of free time. This was an event to remember and to even document! HA!
August 1, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, Mother finding time, original art, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, selling your paintings | Tags: ACEO, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, orange peeler, original painting | Comments Off on The Orange Peeler 2

Poor Circus Girl. Watching the high wire act still makes her nervous.
Another Circus Girl study. This is a 2.5″x3.5″ mixed media painting on 100% rag paper.
August 1, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, Children's book, etsy, inspired by children, life, original art, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, art, circus, circus girl, high wire, illustration, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, Painting, tight rop | Comments Off on Watching The High Wire Act