This is a 2.5″x3.5″ original mixed media painting on 100% rag paper.
We had to make a hard choice today. We’ve decided to not go to Victoria for Christmas. I know it is the smart choice but it makes me a little sad. This painting is of Imogen who is already thinking about what she wants for Christmas and even warned Scarlett (the two year old) about Santa’s ever watchful gaze during a melt down she had today about getting dressed!
What is Imogen she wishing for? A basket for the front of her bike. Decorative and practical.
It is only mid summer so I am sure there will be plenty more wishes by December. Geesh.
July 31, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, Victoria | Tags: ACEO, christmas, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, original art, paintings, wishing | Comments Off on Wishful

This is an original 2.5″x2.5″ mixed media painting of Circus Girl ( I think she is going to have an actual name very soon!) I am working on this character for a children’s book. Every now and then, I just have to paint her to get myself all inspired about this story again. She really is beautiful and I love painting her. After the disaster painting day yesterday I thought I should ease myself into painting by doing something that I know I love. The story is slowly coming together. I am trying not to rush it but maybe it is time for a little more of a tough love approach. My husband thinks so. I don’t know.
July 29, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, Children's book, collage, etsy, inspired by children, life, mixed media, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized, writing | Tags: Add new tag, circus, illustration, inspiration, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, original art, Painting, tough love | Comments Off on New Mini Canvas of Circus Girl

Boy, today was difficult.
Some days, you go to the drawing table and it works. Most days, thankfully. It may take a little pushing or pulling but eventually, it works.
Today was not one of those days.
I was finally feeling well enough to work, Chris took the girls out, and the loft had cooled down to a workable temperature, but no matter how much I pushed, pulled, prodded, stamped my feet, yelled, pulled my hair – yes, it came to that – not matter what I did, it just did not work. It was like the opposite of the Midas touch. Dare I say, I created some mighty, mighty crappy art today! I started to think : maybe I have lost my touch. Maybe I will never create another good piece of art ever again. Maybe everything I create will be like a mediocre piece of grade 7 art- not even that good when you were in grade 7, and even worse when you are … well, we don’t need to go there. I feel bad enough already.
I know that we need to make little messes every now and then to get to the good stuff and that it is all part of the creative process, but it was still a very frustrating day.
I can’t post any art today.
It would just be to embarrassing.
July 29, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, life, Mother finding time, original art, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, Uncategorized | Tags: Add new tag, art, art process, crappy art, frustrating, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, midas touch, Painting | Comments Off on What Is The Opposite Of The Midas Touch? (‘Cause That Is What I Had Today)

So, isn’t it nice when someone you don’t even know, out of the blue, gives you the greatest of compliments? I just discovered this blog about my art: http://witezine.wordpress.com/2008/07/21/amazing-art/.
What can I say? It feels good to be validated. Some days I wonder what I am doing or if I should even bother. When someone is moved enough to comment on your art or write a whole blog it means a lot.
Check out this other supportive blogger and artist:
Thank you!
July 27, 2008 | Categories: collage, life, mixed media, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: blogging about art, etsy, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, original art, Painting, validation, wit ezine | Comments Off on Supportive Blogging

This is a 11.5″ x15.5″ mixed media painting done on 100% rag paper.
This painting kind of strays a little from what I usually paint or at least the way I paint. I used a historical photograph I found on the web as inspiration. I usually take all my own reference photographs, but I just found this photograph so intriguing. Who is this girl holding a fox? It just looks like something from an old fairy tale. I had it pinned on my wall for the longest time and just had to paint it.
July 23, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, Children's book, collage, etsy, flowers, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, Uncategorized | Tags: fox, girl, historical photograph, illustration, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, Painting, poppies | Comments Off on Girl With Fox

I did this ACEO today of Scarlett. It is another study of a moment when my two year old was unusually still and contemplative. A moment to celebrate.
July 23, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, Mother finding time, original art, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: ACEO, art, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original painting, Pace-Wynters, stillness, two year old | Comments Off on Another Still Moment
I was looking for fairies in the Garden
I left a little cottage teapot for them
So that they could set up house
Perhaps they would prefer to sleep within the flowers
If I were a fairy I’d live amongst the poppies
Their big papery petals would be my walls
and close by I would have lupins and foxgloves and hollyhocks too
Their lovely fragrance would surround me as I
July 21, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, Children's book, collage, dreams, etsy, flowers, Home, inspired by children, life, Pace-Wynters, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized, writing | Tags: art and children, fairies, foxgloves, illustration, lupins, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, Painting, poem, poppies | Comments Off on PRETEND- Illustration Friday -Looking For Fairies Amongst The Flowers
I adore Beatrix Potter’s illustrations of tiny little mice. Angelia Ballerina looks great in a Tutu, I’ve always like Mickey and Mighty and I will admit, Stewart was a great addition to the Little family. Cinderella made clothes for them, Snow white cleaned with them. Both sang to them, and their cute little mouse voices. Remember Gus’ little gruff voice? Just adorable! But what is the one thing that these stories have in common? THEY ARE FICTION! Yes, mice are CUTE … on T.V., in cartoons, books and movies!
NOT in my house! Not in MY house! Not in my HOUSE!
I saw him come out of the heating vent. I screamed and he ran back into the vent. I was standing there stunned and a little too still because he came back out again. I took one look at him, pointed my finger and stamped my foot and yelled:
“You get back in there RIGHT NOW!”
And he did.
It makes me think of the book Theo le Seig wrote:
… “now you know,” said the mouse. ” You know what there is in a people house”.
Well, I know what is in my house! A MOUSE!
July 4, 2008 | Categories: Children's book, life, Mice, Pace-Wynters, Uncategorized | Tags: Add new tag, Angelina Ballerina, Beatrix Potter, Cinderella, Dr Suess, illustration, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, Mice in your house, mouse, Snow white, Stewart Little, Theo leseig | Comments Off on MICE!

This is a 8″x 8″ profile canvas that I painted for 8 minutes of Peace. http://www.8minutesofpeace.com/
My first daughter was born at eight minutes to eight in the morning. It was the most profound, awesome and blessed moment of my whole life. To know that she was finally in this world and that she was healthy and safe was the greatest peace I had ever felt. Life is just too precious. We are all someone’s babe. All of us.
July 3, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, inspired by children, life, paintings | Tags: 8, Add new tag, art, art contest, birth, life's first breath, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, Peace | Comments Off on Life’s First Breath

“Lace Coat” 8″x12″, mixed media painting on canvas, 2007
So this morning when I was getting dressed I wondered to myself where that perfect little black cardigan I just bought was. Then I realized I had only dreamt about buying that cardigan.
I was so bummed.
It all came flooding back to me.
I had dreamt about shopping for clothes and I’d found quite a few cute little numbers. I felt so jipped, I mean, a lot of these pieces that I acquired were classics that would have filled a lot of gaps in my wardrobe quite nicely . I felt like I’d got them for a good price too but that, I can’t be sure of. I know I’d tried on a lot of stuff so, to wake up and realize that it was all for nought, was just so unfair! (Now I sound like my five year old).
I still feel kind of robbed and I can’t help but think, that maybe, all the clothes that I purchased in the dream are actually hanging in my closet but are somehow, mysteriously INVISIBLE. Like a “phantom wardrobe”.
I am sure that it is going to make it even harder for me to decide what to wear ever day and kind of makes the expression, “I have nothing to wear”, even that much more literal.
June 22, 2008 | Categories: collage, life, mixed media, original art, paintings | Tags: Add new tag, art, classics, dreams, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, Pace-Wynters, Painting, shopping | Comments Off on Shopping In My Sleep (or The Phantom Wardrobe)

Not only am I not a landscape artist, I will take it one step further and say that I am not even a horizontal artist! I have painted quite a few paintings over the last six months and I have only completed one horizontal piece. (The above painting of Lilies). The other horizontal painting I started never got finished. This is rare for me. If I start a painting, I usually finish it, but not this one. This one was NOT good and was going to remain that way. So I ditched it.
None of this matters really but yesterday I was just wondering why I like vertical so much. I was looking at a new painting that I was working on and it struck me: VERTICAL! AGAIN! WHY?
I guess the answer is fairly obvious. I am a figurative painter (mostly) and we humans are vertical by nature. So it does make sense. Let’s just say, I am horizontally challeged. Hey, come to think of it, having two little kids makes me horizontally challenged in more ways than the way I turn my canvas! HA!
June 21, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, collage, flowers, life, Mother finding time, original art, painting for sale, paintings, Tiger lilies | Tags: Add new tag, art, figurative painter, kids, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, Pace-Wynters, painter, Painting | Comments Off on Horizontally Challenged

Yesterday was Imogen’s novice ballet recital. She did a great job. Some of the older girls were so beautiful dancing their solos. I got all weepy about it all and then right in the middle of the show, everything was stopped and a teacher came out carrying a sobbing little girl. Her parents were called and when she saw her Daddy approach the stage her little body shook and she sobbed even harder with relief. That was just too much for me. Tears were streaming down my face. It would have been very embarrassing if it hadn’t been so dark in the theatre.
This multi media piece is called “Waiting”. I did it a little while ago. This is what I wrote about it at the time:
How much time does a dancer wait in the wings? Certainly more time than actually dancing. I am sure it is true of a lot of things but I am so intrigued by the world of dancing right now that I couldn’t help but paint this.
June 16, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, crying, flowers, illustration, inspired by children, life, paintings, Tiger lilies, Tiger Lilly | Tags: art, ballet, dancing, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, recital | Comments Off on In The Wings

I talked to a crow today,
or rather, he talked to me.
I’m not sure what he was going on about
but he did go on and on and on.
I talked to a crow today,
he had an awful lot to say.
“Mr. Crow,” I said politely, ” will you please let me get a word in?”
But he wasn’t even listening.
He went on and on and on.
That is the way it is with crows,
and sometimes with people too.
Not really interested in conversing,
but rather in the sound of their own voice.
I listened to a crow today,
he went on and on and on.
June 14, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, collage, flowers, life, original art, painting for sale, paintings | Tags: art, crow, etsy, illustration, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, new painting, Pace-Wynters, Painting, poem | Comments Off on I Talked To A Crow Today

I did this mixed media ACEO today. It is of my daughter Imogen having dirt brushed away from her face. I just love this image. It really illustrates the love between a child and a caring adult. We don’t get to see Nanny as often as we would like but when we do, she really can make it all better. ( That goes for me too!)
June 12, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, paintings | Tags: ACEO, caring adult, Grandparent, love, Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media, Nanny, new painting | Comments Off on Nanny Makes It All Better

This is a painting that I just completed of Scarlett sitting at the dining room table. She is so still and at peace, not at all like her normal two year old self. There was just a beautiful stillness at that moment that I wanted to try to capture.
June 11, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, collage, etsy, flowers, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Painting, painting for sale, Tiger lilies, Uncategorized | Tags: Maria, Maria Pace-Wynters, new painting, Pace-Wynters, Scarlett, stillnes, two year old, William Morris wallpaper | Comments Off on A Still Moment

There is nothing wrong with a little wish now and then. There is the star wish, the fountain wish, the birthday wish and of course, we can’t forget the wishbone wish. I’ve wished for plenty of things in my life. The only problem with wishing is that we are always to the future, which kind of implies that we aren’t enjoying the right now. I think that my next wish will be that I don’t wish anymore because I am just enjoying right now too much to even care.
June 8, 2008 | Categories: bright colours, collage, flowers, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Painting, Tiger lilies | Tags: birthday wish, wishbone, wishing on a star | Comments Off on Wishing

OK, I admit it. My attachment to my blue pencil is a bit on the fanatical side. It could be even considered a crutch that I should just let go of. Perhaps, but I want to let go of it at my own pace, not be forced into it. OK, OK, I have had this pencil for several years… OK, more than several, probably about twenty. Did I hear a gasp? Yes, I have had this pencil for over twenty years, but let me explain.
When I was about twenty I found this amazing set of coloured indelible pencils, in the box at a second hand store. They were so beautiful! They were old when I bought them. I’d say from the 50’s. I used them a little then. Once in awhile. I was in college and University during this time and was more into ink, conte and charcoal for my drawing class and acrylics for painting, so they just sat in my old tin box of art stuff. Over the years I did occasionally use the light blue for preliminary sketches but the rest just sat untouched for the last twenty years.
Flash forward twenty years and I’ve been doing this mixed media stuff like crazy and using this blue pencil in every single piece. A couple of weeks ago I was sharpening it and I forced myself to face the fact that I was going to need to find a replacement pencil, knowing full well that it was going to be pretty much impossible.
Did I tell you about the colour blue that this pencil is? The most beautiful peacock blue you have ever seen. When I was sixteen I had a friend that dyed her hair this colour. Amazing while it lasted. (Not unlike my pencil). When I wet it, it becomes the perfect shadow on skin. I looks so beautiful as a line drawing. It doesn’t even need anything else. It is perfect in the nude. And Because it is indelible it comes through when you paint over it. It is Perfect. It is perfection. Why, oh why do they not make it anymore?
I did look on the web and I found these vintage pencils for sale at $2.50 each (not including shipping). ACT NOW! LIMITED STOCK! So, of course I bought 12! I know. Freak. I couldn’t draw every day for the rest of my life and use up all 12 of these pencils. What was I thinking? They came the other day and they are not the same blue. Not even close. I am so sad. I guess I better suck it up and figure out some new technique to try to get the effect that I like but I don’t think I will be able to walk into another second hand store or pass a garage sale sign without my heart fluttering with the hope of finding replacement for my beloved blue pencil.
June 7, 2008 | Categories: illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Painting, paintings | Tags: art, art supplies, blue indelible pencil, peacock blue, pencil, vintage art supplies | Comments Off on Singing The Blue Pencil Blues

We are flying off to Victoria tomorrow. Going ‘home’ for a little visit. I can’t believe I’ve lived in Edmonton for over ten years. That is so crazy. And more than a little sad… you see, I love Victoria for so many reasons. I was born there, which is a tie but my brother in law was born in Germany and I don’t think he is longing to get back. It is more than where you are born and it is even more than where all your family still live, although that is a huge draw. I always thought it was the Ocean that was calling me back or the view of the mountains but that is not it either.
I think that I have finally figured out that it is the familiarity of it that I love. I know it like the back of my hand. Everywhere I go I have been, in some form or another. Even if the shop is new, I know the building or the building before it or even the land before that. I know it. I feel so comfortable there. It really is like being in the comfort of your own home. I have never been able to find that comfort level in Edmonton, it is like I am always looking over my shoulder. In Victoria, I never have to look, because I already know what is there.
May 13, 2008 | Categories: Home, life, Victoria | Tags: Add new tag, mountains, ocean, original art, Painting | Comments Off on Home Again, Home Again, Jiggidy Jig

So, lately I’ve been trying to paint any chance I get and sometimes, actually most of the time, that is when Scarlett is asleep and Imogen is not. This is not good for Imogen. I try to create interesting games or better yet, give her fun crafts to do while I am painting but the other day she told me I was really boring and all I did was paint. OUCH. This is not what mummy wants to hear. Especially, when mummy thought she was doing such a great job at playing along with her make believe games. This days game involved me being the Evil Queen that poisons her with the flowers we got from the dollar store and, I just need to remind you, this is while I am actually trying to paint. So, I was a little sad and I’ll admit, worried, that my painting days were numbered.
Then, something happened: she started to paint from the same reference photos that I use. I guess she figured: ‘if you can’t beat’em, join’em’
So, here is Imogen’s version of ‘Wooly Hat’ . I think that it is pretty amazing. I know I am slightly biased, and I will admit my ulterior motive is that maybe, just maybe, if she sees her art posted it will buy me more painting time. I know, not exactly Mother of the Year, but what can I say? I want to paint.
May 11, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, flowers, inspired by children, life, Mother finding time, original art, wool hat | Tags: Add new tag, dollar store, make believe, Mother of the year, Painting, refrence photos, wooly hat | Comments Off on The Other Visual Artist That Lives In My House

I don’t get a chance to shop very often. Unless you count grocery shopping, and I do not consider dragging an almost two year old and an almost five year old around the shops, really shopping. Gone are the days when I could try on a dozen items, checking myself out for extended periods of time. Now to think about it, way too much time! Oh, if I had all the wasted time of singleness. But that is a whole other story.
Top 5 ways I shop (or at least feel like I have!):
(Not in any particular order)
The Dash In, Dash Out
Ok, so I have your kids busy in the double stroller. I don’t’ know how, perhaps one is asleep and the other has a newly bought toy or a treat I have withheld until just the right moment. This isn’t about giving you ideas on how to get your kids to be good while your shopping, it is about what you are willing to do to get some done, so figure that part out for yourself.
The dash in, dash out consists of running into the store of choice and quickly scouring the racks, usually the sale racks. Often you admire the clothes that are completely inappropriate for a stay at home Mother. Those beautiful pencil skirts at Club Monaco right now, for instance. Great for the office, not so great for running around the park or looking under furniture on your hands and knees for wayward puzzle pieces. This kind of shopping can result in not very well thought out purchases that hang in your closet, mocking you whenever given the chance. It also does not work very well when shopping for bras or bathing suits, which is, perhaps, why all my bras are a little older than I would like to admit and my bathing suit is celebrating a decade. On second thought, forget about trying anything on. You’ll never get that double stroller in the change room with you anyway! Just buy what you want and get out before anyone gets hurt!
Cover to Cover
Recently, I have discovered the joy of magazine shopping. I don’t mean catalogue shopping. This is more like window shopping while looking through a magazine. You know the magazine: Wish, Lou Lou, Chocolate are just a few. You can analyse each page, filled with the latest and greatest, without risking any compulsive buying and while the kids, at arms length, are splashing around in a bubble bath. This is definitely the cheapest way you’ll ever shop, just the cost of a magazine. Of course, if you are like me, you seriously run the chance of spending way to much on magazines! They are so conveniently displayed at the grocery store check out and remember, this is the shopping that you still do!
Ham, Peas and Panties (Oh, just get your mind out of the gutter!)
As I mentioned earlier, I do get to grocery shop. So what do those smarty pants at Joe do? How unfair, putting all those cute little numbers right next to the produce . How can you help but buy that sassy little blouse or those kick ass shoes? They don’t cost much more than a chicken. And besides, we’ve been eating way too much chicken lately.
Ebay Express
My husband has great luck buying clothes on ebay, but I can never find anything I like enough, or that fulfills the bargain shopper in me. Part of me is never completely convinced that by the time I’ve paid shipping, I couldn’t find a better deal somewhere else. Also there is the fear of losing the bid. When I want it I want it. I really only look at ‘buy it now’ items anyway. This could be part of the problem. Control freak that I am.I know, how did this get on my list if I don’t even like it? I guess, I just wish I could find something because you can do it in the comfort of your own home. . I just need to keep browsing, perhaps tonight with a glass or red. Now that is a relaxing way to shop!
Paint ’em
I really do love clothes. I mean, I love them! I could never, ever, ever get tired of shopping! EVER! It always makes me happy! Are you starting to see my dilemma?
This brings me to the fifth way: my new painting series, Things to Wear. These light hearted paintings allows me to enjoy( or even covet) a new desired trend without having to leave the house or having to spend any money. I may never have a enough money to buy a pair of PRADA shoes but I can paint them. I know, not quite as fulfilling but let’s face it, where am I going to wear a $500 pair of shoes? I have to admit, clothes are fun to paint, with all their different patterns and textures. It also gives me licence to mix styles, colours, and prints, in a way I never would in real life. But, by far the best things about painting this series are never having to look at the price tag, everything fitting perfectly and last and not least, never having to look at your butt in one of those three way mirrors.
April 22, 2008 | Categories: Art Statement, Art with Children, black and white stripes, collage, life, mixed media, Mother finding time, original art, Painting, shopping with children, Superstore, trying on clothes, Uncategorized | Tags: Cub Monaco, double stroller, Ebay, JOE, kids, PRADA, shopping | Comments Off on Things To Wear
I was thinking about loss today.
I had a good cry listening to Yael Naim. Not the “New Soul” song, but track 6 and 7. Usually, those songs would not make me cry. Not like Ben Fold’s “The Luckiest”. I can’t really listen to that song without crying. It is ridiculous. Like Robert Munsch’s “Love You Forever”. Just forget about it. I definitely can’t read it out loud. Imogen usually won’t let me even look at it unless for some reason or another she will show it to me and say, “remember this book?” She looks up at me nervously, curious. Maybe she thinks that I will start bawling right on the spot. Not satisfied with my reaction and perhaps with more than a little morbid curiosity, she will start flipping throughout the pages. “Remember this part?” she asks, again, carefully watching me.
Crying helps me when I feel sad and happy. Today, I was sad. I thought about how some people don’t get a fair deal in life. I thought about losing my own Mother. I thought about dying and leaving my children. I thought about how fast your life can change. And I cried because life can be so raw sometimes. Just so cruel. I thought about that for awhile and about how the opposite of that is the total and utter beauty that life also offers us. The babies that are born to us. The friendships that we develop. The love that we find. The nature that surrounds us. Once again I had to remind myself to live for those things right now because none of us ever know when those things might change and to never take them for granted because there are so many people that would switch places with us in a second. The only way to show respect to those who are suffering is to live life right now, fully present in each moment and, if that means having a good long cry, then so be it.
April 4, 2008 | Categories: Ben Folds, crying, death, life, Yael Naim | Tags: Ben Folds. Yael Naim, love you forever, New Soul, The Luckiest | Comments Off on Crying in the Moment