Mixed Media Artist

mixed media

Innocence – SOLD

This is a 4″x8″x3″ mixed media painting on canvas.

My first baby girl turns 6 tomorrow. How did that happen?
Wow. She is amazing to me.

Bravo …

… although, she wasn’t really THAT impressed …
or was she?


5″x7″ mixed media painting on canvas.


My Magic Hat

Hide me
Protect me
Guide me
Take me
Hide meMy-Magic-Hat
This is a 3.5″x5.5″ mixed media painting on canvas.
Available on Etsy



This is a 4″x6″ mixed media painting on canvas.

I am continuing on toward mine. Some days they seem far away and some days I look around and realize that I am actually living them.
I will continue to dream on and on.

Available on Etsy.

The Gift- SOLD


This is a new painting I did today. It is 9″x12″ on rag paper. It is a little bit of a self portrait but more of how I remember myself, rather than how I am right now. I hadn’t painted for awhile and I was trying to ease myself back into. Sometimes when I haven’t been able to get to the drawing board for an extended period of time I worry that I never will again and when I do I will be unable to draw at all. Today it was wonderful the way it all came together. I didn’t have to struggle to get back into it at all. It was a gift. And I have a gift and I know that sounds arrogant but I am acknowledging it so I can thank the Universe for giving it to me. It is no longer possible for me to waste this gift because the burning desire to use it is all consuming and that too is a gift. There was awhile in my life that I wondered why I was given this gift without the passion or inspiration to use it. It seemed so cruel. I didn’t realize that I had to USE my gift in order to find the passion and inspiration.

Available on Etsy

A Commission And Then Off Again!

Portrait for Randallsm

This is a new portrait I just finished. It is mixed media, 11.5″x15.5″ on rag paper.
I have been so crazy busy, unpacking only to repack again. We were in Grande Prairie for my art show ‘Moving Life’ ( I sold 11 paintings!) and now I am trying to get ready to go to Victoria. Poor Imogen is missing a lot of kindergarten but she had a wonderful time in GP and always loves her trips to Victoria so…..it is worth it to me. I guess that this will have to change next year, we can’t be missing too much of grade one.
Anyway, this portrait is what I have been up to painting wise. I am also working on another doggy portrait. (Another cutie … but you’ll just have to wait to see that one.)

Cat Dancing

cat-dancingsmThis is a new 8.5″x11′ mixed media painting on rag paper.

I once had a book on cats that paint.  It was pretty hilarious.  So, if cats paint, surely it is not that much of a stretch to think that they could dance as well.  If Beijing did dance,  Imogen would definitely be his partner.


concentrationsm1This is a new 8.5″x10.5″ mixed media painting on paper.  I was going to name it ‘Girl With A $500 Cat’ (grrrrrrrr …)


‘Concentration’ really seems to sum it up.


New Treasury – Silent Garbo


This has been included in a new etsy treasury, check it out:



Dancing With Giggles

dancing-with-gigglessm8.5″x10.5″ mixed media painting on paper.


Heidi Hair and Polka Dots- SOLD

16″x20″ mixed media painting on canvas.heidi-hair-and-polka-dots

When I was a little girl my favorite hairstyle was ‘Heidi hair’.  I remember a book I had by Judy Blume (I think?) with a girl on the front, who had dark hair (like me) donned in a  ‘Heidi doo’ with a big red gladiola on the side.  I loved this paining, I think because I thought it looked like me. I remember I loved the book too but I just can’t remember the title … ???***  Boy haven’t thought about that in awhile.

Well here I go again, living vicarioulsy through my kids.  I love putting Imogen’s hair up this way.  She thinks she looks like a princess but  hates all the pins it requires.  It does takes a lot of pins!  Boy does that kid have thick hair!

**** It was “Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself”

IF ‘Theater’ – My Fancy Shoe

my-fancy-shoesmLast night we took our 5 year old to The Wizard of OZ.  It was a huge production made even larger by the fact that we were in the second row.

I have always loved Dorothy’s ruby slippers, I definitely have a thing for red shoes.  (Well, shoes in general, to be honest.)  Last night I wore my three inch, T-strap, Kate Spades.  They have tiny coral details that I just love.  Imogen, who also loves a nice shoe,  wore her gold ballerina flats.

I wish people dressed up more  to go to the theater.  I mean, if we no longer dress up to go to the theater,  then when DO we dress up?

This is a little painting I did of one of Scarlett’s favorite shoes (Kenneth Cole).  It is mixed media on paper and is 8.5″x11.5″.


This is a mixed media portrait I did of Otto the Bullodog.  Isn’t he adorable!   This was really fun and I totally fell in love with my subject.ottosm



Striped Socks, Yellow Hat and An Orange Cat …Finished

This is a 3’x5′ mixed media painting on canvas.striped-socks


IF ‘Impossibility’ Blue Butterfly

blue-butterfly1Sometimes blending in is an ‘impossibility’.

Girl With Argyle Socks

girl-with-argyle-socksFinally!  A new painting!  Get ready ’cause I will be working like a fiend for the next little while and you will be bombarded with new images.(Fingers crossed).   I am having a show in Grande Prairie on May 9th and I need to work my butt off to make sure I have enough pieces.  Yeah!


Pink Beard

pink-beardsmAnother character I developed several years ago.  Actually, she was inspired by Imogen because she loved pirates and pink.

IF ‘Poise’ Balanced

balancedI did ‘Balanced’ a little while ago but couldn’t help but think how perfect it was for this topic!


Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

This is the mirror that I have painted for the Dentist office.  It will hang directly across from the completed poppy mural at the ‘smile station’. Say ‘CHEESE”!mirror2mirror3mirror4mirror5

IF ‘Legendary’ The Frog Prince

girlfrogs1He was legendary among the old timers  in the  lily pond.

Oh, by the way, this one is available as a limited edition reproduction ACEO.

White Rabbit

white-rabbitHere is a little sketch I did yesterday of a girl dressed as bunny.  Maybe Easter is on the brain or maybe it is last week’s ballet recital (Imogen was a bunny).  Anyway, I thought I’d share it ’cause I thought it was kind of pretty.


In The Moment

in-the-momentHere is a new 8″x10″ mixed media canvas that I did today.

Capturing a moment. Mid giggle.

Usually I gravitate toward the static , moody pose but occasionally I like to challenge myself with this type of image.  Not unlike ‘Joy’.


Spring Dreaming

This is another mixed media drawing that I did today.  She seems to be in a meadow.  I wish I was in a meadow. A way from this frigid cold.  I am so done with winter.  Perhaps I have spring on the brain.  I wish spring would sprung already.

Also, you can read an interview I did recently about blogging and my art  by checking out this fabulous blog :  Art of Humongous Proportions.
