Mixed Media Artist

painting for sale

The Water Lilies Keep Me Cool

The water lilies keep me cool

They bob around my floating head

My hair mimicking pond weeds

I feel the little fish bump up against my legs

A dragonfly lands on me

Perhaps he thinks that I am a log or even a flower

I am so still

Maybe he is kissing me

So very gently

As I lay here


Victoria Rain

This is an original 2.5″x3.5″ mixed media piece on 100% rag paper.

I guess Victoria was on my mind today. I miss it, what can I say …

rain and all.

The Orange Peeler 2

This is an original mixed media piece on 100% rag paper.

I had this little painting taped down for ages. I needed the the drawing board so I decided to finish it and I am glad I did. Poor little neglected painting.

This painting is of Scarlett peeling oranges. I have done several versions of this subject and am working on a large canvas of 5 Scarletts peeling oranges in a row. I call it The Orange Peelers or The Orange Peeler Factory. It all started when I discovered that by giving Scarlett a bowl of tiny oranges to peel I could buy myself at least 20 – 30 minutes of free time. This was an event to remember and to even document! HA!

Watching The High Wire Act

Poor Circus Girl. Watching the high wire act still makes her nervous.

Another Circus Girl study. This is a 2.5″x3.5″ mixed media painting on 100% rag paper.


This is a 2.5″x3.5″ original mixed media painting on 100% rag paper.

We had to make a hard choice today. We’ve decided to not go to Victoria for Christmas. I know it is the smart choice but it makes me a little sad. This painting is of Imogen who is already thinking about what she wants for Christmas and even warned Scarlett (the two year old) about Santa’s ever watchful gaze during a melt down she had today about getting dressed!
What is Imogen she wishing for? A basket for the front of her bike. Decorative and practical.

It is only mid summer so I am sure there will be plenty more wishes by December. Geesh.

New Mini Canvas of Circus Girl

This is an original 2.5″x2.5″ mixed media painting of Circus Girl ( I think she is going to have an actual name very soon!) I am working on this character for a children’s book. Every now and then, I just have to paint her to get myself all inspired about this story again. She really is beautiful and I love painting her. After the disaster painting day yesterday I thought I should ease myself into painting by doing something that I know I love. The story is slowly coming together. I am trying not to rush it but maybe it is time for a little more of a tough love approach. My husband thinks so. I don’t know.

What Is The Opposite Of The Midas Touch? (‘Cause That Is What I Had Today)

Boy, today was difficult.

Some days, you go to the drawing table and it works. Most days, thankfully. It may take a little pushing or pulling but eventually, it works.

Today was not one of those days.

I was finally feeling well enough to work, Chris took the girls out, and the loft had cooled down to a workable temperature, but no matter how much I pushed, pulled, prodded, stamped my feet, yelled, pulled my hair – yes, it came to that – not matter what I did, it just did not work. It was like the opposite of the Midas touch. Dare I say, I created some mighty, mighty crappy art today! I started to think : maybe I have lost my touch. Maybe I will never create another good piece of art ever again. Maybe everything I create will be like a mediocre piece of grade 7 art- not even that good when you were in grade 7, and even worse when you are … well, we don’t need to go there. I feel bad enough already.

I know that we need to make little messes every now and then to get to the good stuff and that it is all part of the creative process, but it was still a very frustrating day.

I can’t post any art today.

It would just be to embarrassing.

Girl With Fox

This is a 11.5″ x15.5″ mixed media painting done on 100% rag paper.

This painting kind of strays a little from what I usually paint or at least the way I paint. I used a historical photograph I found on the web as inspiration. I usually take all my own reference photographs, but I just found this photograph so intriguing. Who is this girl holding a fox? It just looks like something from an old fairy tale. I had it pinned on my wall for the longest time and just had to paint it.

Another Still Moment

I did this ACEO today of Scarlett. It is another study of a moment when my two year old was unusually still and contemplative. A moment to celebrate.

PRETEND- Illustration Friday -Looking For Fairies Amongst The Flowers

I was looking for fairies in the Garden

I left a little cottage teapot for them

So that they could set up house

Perhaps they would prefer to sleep within the flowers

If I were a fairy I’d live amongst the poppies

Their big papery petals would be my walls

and close by I would have lupins and foxgloves and hollyhocks too

Their lovely fragrance would surround me as I





Another Circus Girl Painting…


This is a new Circus Girl painting that I just finished today. It is a mixed media piece on a 4″x8″ profile (3″deep) canvas.

Horizontally Challenged

Not only am I not a landscape artist, I will take it one step further and say that I am not even a horizontal artist! I have painted quite a few paintings over the last six months and I have only completed one horizontal piece. (The above painting of Lilies). The other horizontal painting I started never got finished. This is rare for me. If I start a painting, I usually finish it, but not this one. This one was NOT good and was going to remain that way. So I ditched it.

None of this matters really but yesterday I was just wondering why I like vertical so much. I was looking at a new painting that I was working on and it struck me: VERTICAL! AGAIN! WHY?

I guess the answer is fairly obvious. I am a figurative painter (mostly) and we humans are vertical by nature. So it does make sense. Let’s just say, I am horizontally challeged. Hey, come to think of it, having two little kids makes me horizontally challenged in more ways than the way I turn my canvas! HA!

I Talked To A Crow Today

I talked to a crow today,

or rather, he talked to me.

I’m not sure what he was going on about

but he did go on and on and on.

I talked to a crow today,

he had an awful lot to say.

“Mr. Crow,” I said politely, ” will you please let me get a word in?”

But he wasn’t even listening.

He went on and on and on.

That is the way it is with crows,

and sometimes with people too.

Not really interested in conversing,

but rather in the sound of their own voice.

I listened to a crow today,

he went on and on and on.

A Still Moment

This is a painting that I just completed of Scarlett sitting at the dining room table. She is so still and at peace, not at all like her normal two year old self. There was just a beautiful stillness at that moment that I wanted to try to capture.