Mixed Media Artist



This is a mixed media portrait I did of Otto the Bullodog.  Isn’t he adorable!   This was really fun and I totally fell in love with my subject.ottosm

Another Big One …In Progress


Little Red and Spring Cleaning

little-red-ink-smI did this drawing a little while ago.  I have been spring cleaning and not painting. Ooooh, I hate it so much but I will be so much happier when it is all done.  Anyway, I thought I would put some newly found images up as I don’t have anything new to show.  Soon, I promise.

West Edmonton Mall- The Santa Maria

photoHere we are, taking a little spring break at the west edmonton mall.  We are sitting on the Santa Maria. The last time I sat on this boat floating in the middle of the mall was over ten years ago when Captain Tracto shot the video The Last Saskatchewan Pirate. Boy, things have changed since then!

The Autograph

imogen-and-shawnImogen gets Shawn Horcoff’s autograph at the March 12th Oiler ‘s game.  Pretty cool hey?

Ballet Class


White Crow-In Progress

photo2Loved the smaller version of this so much have started a large canvas of the same subject.

More Mural Photos…

Not quite finished.  Here are some more photos of the mural in progress.  You’ll have to wait just a little bit longer to see it all done…ha,ha,ha. (It is like a cliff hanger isn’t it!)

By the way, these photos were taken by Trish Walker.


Poppy Mural In Progress

maria-painting-1Stepping back to take a look.

I’ll have more images of this soon….

Go Oilers Go!

photoImogen is going to the hockey game tonight.  Do you think she is excited?

Spring Dreaming

This is another mixed media drawing that I did today.  She seems to be in a meadow.  I wish I was in a meadow. A way from this frigid cold.  I am so done with winter.  Perhaps I have spring on the brain.  I wish spring would sprung already.

Also, you can read an interview I did recently about blogging and my art  by checking out this fabulous blog :  Art of Humongous Proportions.



drawingI didn’t have long this morning so I did this quick  mixed media drawing on paper.

Girl With Balloon (In Progress)

girl-with-balloon-painting-in-process1This 11″x14″ mixed media painting on canvas is not quite finished.

Dylan, The Great … (Nephew That Is)

dylanHere is a painting of Dylan, another one of my wonderful nephews.  Don’t you just love his cheeky grin and the sparkle in his eye?  Kind of makes you wonder what he is going to get up to next!

Are n’t Scarlett and   Imogen lucky to have all these handsome older cousings?

Keep doing the great art work Dylan, Nanny tells me that you have a real talent!

Jacob – Portrait?

jacobThis is Jacob, my nephew.  I did this a while ago but just realized that I never posted it because it was a surprise Christmas present.

Portraits … they are a love hate thing for me.  I love painting children but portraits,  not so much.  To me, this is more of a painting, though it does look just like him, it catches something more.  His gentle, compassionate side.  His shyness, his intensity, his kindness.  He is a wonderful boy, he is so caring with Imogen and Scarlett, not to mention his two younger brothers.

AND he is my biggest fan!  (Hi Jacob!)

Imogen and Scarlett Sing


These are the girls…. but I need to qualify a couple of things.  We do not listen to Britney Spears, honest!  This is strictly a byproduct of the Wii and a really dumb dance game we rented.  Now it is all that they sing!  What happened to ‘twinkle, twinkle little star’ and ‘B-I-N-G-O’!?  The most embarrassing thing was when we were out eating dinner and ‘Oops’ came on and Imogen started to sing along, word for word!  The woman across from us  split a gut!

Really, we are good parents!

Oh, and that is Beijing Meow at he end.

Oh, and yes you ARE that innocent!

Zasu Pitts

zasu-pittsThis is a new 24″x24″ mixed media painting on wood of  the silent film star Zasu Pitts from the movie ‘Greed’.

I took this image with  Chris’ iphone.  I have always wanted to paint stills off of the TV  but until now have never been happy with the results. This was  such a great still, such a powerful image.  I just had to paint it.

I will admit, I had no idea who this woman was or what movie the still was from while I was painting.  Perhaps this is a good thing.  I think if I had know, I would have used a darker palette.  I was able to paint without  any prejudice.

Comments are always appreciated.

A limited edition art reproduction is available of this painting.

Original SOLD



A new painting,  ‘Balanced’, 18″x24″, mixed media on wood stretcher.

I found this amazing photo on http://clancysclassics.blogspot.com/, actually in her etsy shop.  Check out her beautiful work.  She graciously let me use this image for a print of the final painting.  Thanks Marianne!

IF ‘Resolve’ Pink Frosting

This year, I resolve to NOT eat Imogen’s cupcakes after she has licked the frosting off them.aceopink-frostings

Opinion – Illustration Friday – I Talked To A Crow Today


I never met a crow that didn’t have an opinion about one thing or another!

This is a piece I did earlier this year.

The following poem accompanies it.

I talked to a crow today,

or rather, he talked to me.

I’m not sure what he was going on about

but he did go on and on and on.

I talked to a crow today,

he had an awful lot to say.

“Mr. Crow,” I said politely, ” will you please let me get a word in?”

But he wasn’t even listening.

He went on and on and on.

That is the way it is with crows,

and sometimes with people too.

Not really interested in conversing,

but rather in the sound of their own voice.

I listened to a crow today,

he went on and on and on.

Harlequin ACEOs


Three new ACEO harlequin musicians  available at my etsy store http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5037264

Ring Around The Rosie


I did this illustration for the December issue of  our community newspaper, The Rat Creek Press http://www.ratcreek.org/.  This issue’s  focus is ‘good Neighbors’.

This original mixed media painting is available here http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17177061

My Red Flute


I did this mixed media mini canvas (2.5″x2.5″) today.

Available here http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17176544

Another Red Accordion


This is an original  8″x10″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas.

I did an ACEO of this same image a few days ago. I am just loving this new character and colour palette! Music is very much a part of our house. The girls just love to give Chris and I a concert. They both love applause. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Not me, Chris. I can’t play a note.

This painting is SOLD.