Mixed Media Artist


Little Crow, Little Crow

Little Crow, little cow …

Crows are so protective of their babies. Maybe that is another reason why I like them. They really make a racket if you try to go near their nest, even if you are simply walking beneath it. Unaware that it is high above you in the tree top.

Once, my dad, a bit of a wise guy (being from Liverpool it is hard for him not to always have some comeback or ‘witty’ remark), was walking outside our house in Victoria when a murder of crows started yelling at him, the way that they do, and he of course told them (I am sure ever so politely) to “SHUT UP”.

Well that was it for him. After that little outburst, they dive bombed him, knocked his hat off and crowed at him whenever he emerged from the house.

Crows do not like to be mocked or told to be quiet. They demand respect. Personally, I give it to them 100%. After all, there are not many of us in this world that can say they got the better of my dad. Ha, ha.

Little Crow

Naming A Painting

I am pretty consistent when I name a painting. Usually, I name it something obvious, you know, descriptive. Girl On A Train, a painting of a girl on a train, no brainer. But the title, even an obvious one like that, is usually running through my head as I paint it. Sometimes, I make up a narrative in my head as I am painting. This has never really changed, when I was young, I used to sit for hours, drawing and making up stories in my head that went with the drawings. I am sure I used a forest of paper.
Now, if I have my act together, I write the narrative down. Lately, I haven’t been doing that and then it makes it harder to title the painting something obscure. I really don’t feel like leaving the viewer scratching their head.
Today’s painting is an example of a title swooping around my brain while painting and it seems so dumb but she was saying ” I Wish I Had Washed My Hair Last Night”. She really was!
So I have titled it this and hope that it doesn’t take anything away from the painting. I feel her regret, as silly as it sounds. She really is in those first stages of the anticipation of falling in love. A time when, even though we know we shouldn’t, we want to present ourselves as perfectly as possible. I think she should throw caution to the wind, accept the highly anticipated proposal and just wear a dam hat.I-Wish-I-Had-Washed-My-Hair
7″x10″ mixed media painting on paper

Girl In The Green Housecoat

This is a 7″x10″ mixed media painting on paper. SOLD

The Crow Sisters …. in progress

The Crow Sisters

This is a 16″x16″ profile canvas.

This painting is in progress. I am doing an art show in November for Shadow Theatre’s season opener “Harvest”. I am still in the progress of reading the play and am enjoying it immensely. It takes place in the Alberta country side which I just happened to look at for over 8hours while driving up to Grande Prairie and back last weekend. I saw a lot of harvesting and I saw a lot of crows. I have to admit, I love crows. They are kind of sinister but they stick together and they are so brave and vocal. Boy, are they vocal. I don’t see crows often in the city. We have a lot of magpies and I think that the crows stay away from them. I love magpies as well, although I know a lot of people don’t, but they just aren’t as intriguing to me as crows. I wonder if it is because we didn’t have magpies in Victoria so there is no emotional pull. No nostalgia, no child hood memories … stuff that I often resurface when painting. Speaking of that, the title comes from what we called the two old spinster sisters that lived in my neighborhood. I am guessing their last name was Crow, I never really thought about it before. They, like crows, stuck it out together in their little house way into their old age. They were sweet, kind and gentle to us children, perhaps this is why I have such an affinity to crows. Who can say.

Girl With A Black Headband


This is a 7″x 10″ mixed media painting on paper.
$35 US + $4 for shipping.
To purchase contact me

Great Art …

Hey, check out this wonderful artist’s work.
WOW, there are just so many amazing artists out there, it never ceases to amaze me!


Red Horse

Red Horse

Another 16″x16″ mixed media painting on paper.

The second completed piece for my restaurant commission.


This is a 16″x16″ mixed media painting on paper. It is for a commercial job that I am doing. It is going to be blown up to 4’x4′ and printed on canvas. No bull.

Girl On A Train

This is a 5″x7″ mixed media painting on paper.

This morning as Imogen ate her hot cereal I realized that appearances are starting to matter. Scarlett requested the curtain closed because the sun was in her eyes. I closed half of the curtain and left the other half opened. Scarlett asked me why I did not just close both curtains and I said it was nice to still be able to see outside. Disgruntled, Imogen stated that I should just close both curtains as a passerby might not only see her wearing the bib I made her put on so she didn’t drip on her clean clothes but also that Mickey Mouse Club House was on the TV. I hadn’t even realized. To be fair, I think she even found this humorous but I bet that would be different in a few years.

(OK, OK, I promise right here right now to never make her wear a bib again. A tea towel or a napkin would have been more appropriate for a six year old).

This painting makes me think about being clueless to her growing up. Sometimes I think I only really see my kids in photos. Look how old she is getting. She looks so young when she is sleeping or standing next to her 6′ 2 daddy. But in this picture she has some sort of wisdom I guess I miss when I am dealing with her on a day to day basis.

Daily Painters

Here is a nice post about Daily Painters:
