Mixed Media Artist


Zasu Pitts

zasu-pittsThis is a new 24″x24″ mixed media painting on wood of  the silent film star Zasu Pitts from the movie ‘Greed’.

I took this image with  Chris’ iphone.  I have always wanted to paint stills off of the TV  but until now have never been happy with the results. This was  such a great still, such a powerful image.  I just had to paint it.

I will admit, I had no idea who this woman was or what movie the still was from while I was painting.  Perhaps this is a good thing.  I think if I had know, I would have used a darker palette.  I was able to paint without  any prejudice.

Comments are always appreciated.

A limited edition art reproduction is available of this painting.

Original SOLD

IF ‘Pale’- Albino Girl

You have to admit, you don’t get much paler than this!albino-girl

ACEO The Pout

aceo-the-poutsmwmBoy, I know I am in for it when she wakes up like this!  Those lips just don’t quit!

Another ACEO available on etsy.

ACEO Deep In Thought


A New ACEO mixed media painting of Imogen.  Available on Etsy.

ACEO Looking Forward


This is a new ACEO  mixed media painting on paper.

ACEO The Girl With The Sequined Hat

I love this gold sequined hat.  It is a vintage piece that I bought for myself but I must admit, it looks way better on my five year old.

This mixed media painting is 2.5″x3.5″ and is available on Etsy.aceo-girl-in-the-sequined-hatwm1

ACEO The Sad Ballerina

aceo-sad-ballerinawmHere is another study of the sad ballerina with the hole in her tights.  Poor thing, nothing worse than a hole in your dance tights.

This is a 2.5″x3.5″ mixed media painting on rag paper and is available in my Etsy shop.

ACEO Joy 2


This is a new ACEO I did recently.  I have been challenging myself trying to capture extreme expressions without having them look distorted or unatural.  It is hard.  I think I managed to do it.  I love the way children really feel the joy with their whole body.  Head back, mouth open.  Just pure pleasure in the moment.

This one is available in my etsy shop.

my-red-guitarAlso, this painting was included in a new treasury on etsy called It’s A Dog’s Life

This one is called ‘My Red Guitar’ and is available on Etsy

IF ‘contained’- The Secret Garden

the-secret-garden1Mary  could never have imagined the secret that was contained within the stone walls.

Leopard Print and Tiger Lilies

leopard-print-and-tiger-llilieswmAnother new mixed media painting.  I have to admit, leopard print is one of my guilty pleasures.  I know to some it is condisdered tacky but I just can’t help it!  I kind of shy away from wearing it myself (most but not all of the time) but I have no problem dressing my kids up in it.  No problem at all!

Oh, and is  it ever FUN to paint!