This new mixed media painting is 11.5″x15.5″ on 100% rag paper.
This new mixed media painting is 11.5″x15.5″ on 100% rag paper.
A new painting, ‘Balanced’, 18″x24″, mixed media on wood stretcher.
I found this amazing photo on, actually in her etsy shop. Check out her beautiful work. She graciously let me use this image for a print of the final painting. Thanks Marianne!
This year, I resolve to NOT eat Imogen’s cupcakes after she has licked the frosting off them.
I just finished this 11.5″x15.5″ mixed media painting. Joy, just pure joy.
Another painting from my new series “Too Small, Too Young”.
Undecided, 15.5 “x 20”, mixed media painting on wood stretcher.
This series is about being a child now, looking back and/or remembering being a child and also about being an adult/parent watching your child grow up. It is bitter sweet to say the least.
Sometimes I find myself looking at my children and feeling unbearably sad. I know that this sounds crazy but it is because I am not really looking at them right now, instead I am thinking about how much smaller they were not so long ago or how soon they are going to be all grown and leaving me. Awful I know, but it is the truth. I think about how far away my own childhood seems now, how foggy my memories are. How young my parents were.
In many ways, these are timeless paintings. They live neither in or out doors but exist simultaneously in both. If as though, our memories can be in some other plain all together, existing in our mind but also in this place that shifts back and forth, in and out of focus. Often hard for us to grasp completely, save a snippet here, a smidgen there.
I guess in these works I am trying to capture childhood, mine and my children’s and to somehow hold onto it for a little bit longer. If I can’t manage it in real life, perhaps painting it will help me remember to think less and be more.
The Clandestine Meeting
Now that I have your attention
The meeting will now begin
What do two white ravens need to discuss?
They would like it to be noted in the records
They are not albino
They simply have some type of mutant gene
They like that they are symbolic of peace
And they really like the gold sequins on your hat
That is all
The meeting can now be adjourned
‘Rape as a weapon of war.’
I was watching Mia Farrow speak about the horrible atrocities that are happening in the Congo right now and this really seems to fit with the topic this week. She promised these people to use her voice so the world would hear their plight. It is so horrible what is happening to these women and children. Let’s all use our voice to get this story heard.
Yell it out!
For more information link here.
This is a 11.5X15.5″ mixed media painting of circus girl being rocked to sleep by Harriet, the circus elephant.
This is a 3.5″x5.5″ mixed media painting on paper.