Mixed Media Artist

Posts tagged “just too small

Just Too Small


This is a 24″x24″ mixed media painting on wood.  The sides are painted tangerine.  I actually did this one a few weeks ago but only just got around to taking a photo of it.  If I can’t scan it in, ( just too large! HA!)  I get a little lazy.

This one came about when a woman I am doing a large commission for was talking about empty chairs in paintings or photographs and how they made the individual viewer feel.  It seems that for some people it made them feel sad and lonely and for other it was more welcoming.  I couldn’t get the empty chair out of my head so when I was painting this one I decided to incorporate it.  I made it a kind of ghost like child’s chair.  She seems to be just leaving it to go forward, onward, to something else.  Something more interesting.  Such is life.

How do you feel about an empty chair in a photo or painting?