This painting is of the wonderful Greta Garbo in the silent film ‘Torrent’ from 1926. Don’t you just love the black and white striped fur coat? So art deco! It is kind of a sad tale, giving Garbo lots of reason to lift those heavy lidded eyes to the heavens. This still is of the final shot in the film.
This painting is available on ebay
January 28, 2009 | Categories: ACEO, black and white stripes, etsy, illustration, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale | Tags: Greta Garbo, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, Torrent | Comments Off on ACEO Torrent/Greta Garbo
This is a new 24″x24″ mixed media painting on wood of the silent film star Zasu Pitts from the movie ‘Greed’.
I took this image with Chris’ iphone. I have always wanted to paint stills off of the TV but until now have never been happy with the results. This was such a great still, such a powerful image. I just had to paint it.
I will admit, I had no idea who this woman was or what movie the still was from while I was painting. Perhaps this is a good thing. I think if I had know, I would have used a darker palette. I was able to paint without any prejudice.
Comments are always appreciated.
A limited edition art reproduction is available of this painting.
Original SOLD
January 20, 2009 | Categories: bright colours, etsy, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: Greed, iphone, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, silent film, Zasu Pitts | Comments Off on Zasu Pitts
Boy, I know I am in for it when she wakes up like this! Those lips just don’t quit!
Another ACEO available on etsy.
January 15, 2009 | Categories: Art with Children, etsy, inspired by children, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting | Tags: ACEO, art, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, pout | Comments Off on ACEO The Pout

A New ACEO mixed media painting of Imogen. Available on Etsy.
January 14, 2009 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale | Tags: ACEO, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting | Comments Off on ACEO Deep In Thought
Here is another study of the sad ballerina with the hole in her tights. Poor thing, nothing worse than a hole in your dance tights.
This is a 2.5″x3.5″ mixed media painting on rag paper and is available in my Etsy shop.
January 12, 2009 | Categories: Art with Children, ballet, etsy, illustration, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting | Tags: ACEO, ballerina, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, sad | Comments Off on ACEO The Sad Ballerina

This is a 11.5X15.5″ mixed media painting of circus girl being rocked to sleep by Harriet, the circus elephant.
December 19, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, Children's book, dreams, inspired by children, life, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting | Tags: circus, circus girl, elephant, illustration, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, original illustration | Comments Off on Circus Girl and Elephant
Everyone said that she was rambunctious as a child.
Even so, no one expected her to grow up to be a sword swallower.

This is a mixed media ACEO on paper.
December 12, 2008 | Categories: bright colours, Children's book, etsy, illustration, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings | Tags: ACEO, circus, Ilustration Friday, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, original, rambunctcious, sword swallower | Comments Off on IF “Rambuntcious”-The Sword Swallower

This is an original 8″x10″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas.
I did an ACEO of this same image a few days ago. I am just loving this new character and colour palette! Music is very much a part of our house. The girls just love to give Chris and I a concert. They both love applause. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Not me, Chris. I can’t play a note.
This painting is SOLD.
November 8, 2008 | Categories: Art with Children, bright colours, etsy, Harlequin, illustration, inspired by children, mixed media, original art, Pace-Wynters, Painting, painting for sale, paintings, Uncategorized | Tags: accordion, circus, Maria Pace-Wynters, mixed media painting, red | Comments Off on Another Red Accordion