Corset And Butterflies
18″x18″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas. The sides are 3″ deep.
Available HERE
Dragon Corset
18″x24″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep and are painted red.
Available HERE or directly from artist
Butterflies At Night
10″x12″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are 1.5″ and are painted red.
This painting is available HERE
This is a 6″x8″ mixed media painting on paper covered canvas. The canvas is 1.5″ deep and is painted RED.
This painting is $80 and is available HERE.
Two more days of 42…onward to 43. YIKES! How is that possible???
This is a mixed media diptych on wood.
The sides are 1″ deep and are turquoise.
Painting, painting, painting….eating it, breathing it, living it …. these are my aspirations…but they are tiring.
This is a new mixed media painting I did on paper. It is 11.5″x15.5″.
Funny enough, well, not funny at all, Beijing tried to jump on top of the fridge today and fell and hurt his leg. He is at the vet right now, under observation. Ching, ching (that is the sound of money …booooooo hooooo).
The Accomplishment
Remember when you learnt how to tie your own shoes? It was quite the feeling of accomplishment.
I did this 9″x12″ mixed media painting today and guess what? Imogen tied a bow! WOW! She was so excited. There were high fives all around, even Scarlett was in on it.
The only thing that you don’t need when you are trying to tie your shoe is a cat. Ever noticed how they like long stringy things?
Girl With White Crow (I Will Protect You)
This is a 11″x14″ mixed media painting on wood from my Too Small series.
Free As A bird ( I Wish I Could Make It All Better)
This is a 18″x24″ mixed media painting on wood from My Too Small series.
The image of a bird cage just keeps popping into my head and on to the pages of my sketchbook but, I until now, I have not included it in an actual painting.
I love the see-through quality, and delicate wire bars of this Victorian birdcage. As a sculpture, a birdcage is rather beautiful and decorative. (Indeed, many people collect birdcages just for that reason.) However, I can’t help looking at an empty birdcage without feeling a little sad. Like something is missing. (Well, a bird obviously!) Perhaps I just need to try thinking about it differently; that the bird has escaped its captures and is free. This would make me happy if I was not so sure that a bird that was once caged would most likely not fair so well out in the wild.
I worry about being over protective with my children. How will they fair if I never let them fail? I constantly try to protect them from any hurt or nastiness that this world may bring them. Will they be able to make it all better for themselves? Comfort their own hurt? How can I teach them these skills? And, indeed, is it already to late? If I keep them caged up now, what chance do they have? At the same time, I want their childhood to be magic, innocence and joy. Childhood should be paradise. It should be free of worry and sadness. It is the only time that we are truly allowed the freedom of those feeling. When I see children that are deprived of those things my heart aches.
It is such a balance isn’t it? Just finding that perfect balance is a life’s work. A mother’s work. (And father’s too, of course).
As Free As A Bird
Just a little mixed media painting I did today. I am working on a larger painting, also with a bird cage. I have been wanting to include this wire birdcage in a painting for quite awhile now and I finally got around to it.
Circus Girl and The Newsprint Flowers
Here is a new Circus Girl painting. This one is large, I really felt like painting a larger version of her … she is almost life size.
This piece is a 24″x30″ mixed media painting on wood.
ACEO The Girl With The Sequined Hat
I love this gold sequined hat. It is a vintage piece that I bought for myself but I must admit, it looks way better on my five year old.
This mixed media painting is 2.5″x3.5″ and is available on Etsy.
IF ‘Clandestine’ – Now That I Have Your Attention
The Clandestine Meeting
Now that I have your attention
The meeting will now begin
What do two white ravens need to discuss?
They would like it to be noted in the records
They are not albino
They simply have some type of mutant gene
They like that they are symbolic of peace
And they really like the gold sequins on your hat
That is all
The meeting can now be adjourned
Circus Girl And Strongman
This is a 11.5″x15.5″ mixed media painting of Circus girl having her toes painted by the strongman.
These are last year Prada … but I’d still wear them!
This is an original 3.5″x5.5″ mixed media painting. Available for sale on etsy.
ACEO Willows Beach
At the end of September we went to Victoria. September weather is usually pretty reliable and this was no exception. We had a few beach days with the girls. Scarlett is totally into the beach right now. She would throw rocks in the water and scoop water into her sand bucket forever.
This little ACEO is of Scarlett sitting on one of my favorite beaches in Victoria; Willows. In the summer you can get crinkle fries from the little tea house and eat them right on the beach. On a rainy day, you can sit inside and have a cup of tea. It is nothing fancy, it is charity run, but it is one of my most favorite things
IF Similar
The Orange Peelers, 1.5’x5′, mixed media on canvas, 2008
A Favorite topic of mine. The ‘Orange Peeler’ Factory. This idea came about when I handed Scarlett a bowl of tiny little oranges and she spent 2o minutes peeling them. In a two year old’s world this is a very long time. Anyway, that was the inspiration and then I just let my imagination fly!
Just Too Small
This is a 24″x24″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are painted tangerine. I actually did this one a few weeks ago but only just got around to taking a photo of it. If I can’t scan it in, ( just too large! HA!) I get a little lazy.
This one came about when a woman I am doing a large commission for was talking about empty chairs in paintings or photographs and how they made the individual viewer feel. It seems that for some people it made them feel sad and lonely and for other it was more welcoming. I couldn’t get the empty chair out of my head so when I was painting this one I decided to incorporate it. I made it a kind of ghost like child’s chair. She seems to be just leaving it to go forward, onward, to something else. Something more interesting. Such is life.
How do you feel about an empty chair in a photo or painting?
ACEO Circus Girl Study
This is an original mixed media ACEO on 100% rag paper of Circus Girl . I am in the process of writing a Children’s book about circus girl. This is another study of her. She really is one of my favorite characters to paint. The more I paint her, the more I know her and, the more I love her. I hope that you feel the same way.
The Girl With The Frilly Hat
This a new painting of an old subject. I am glad I decided to do a few more of these. Pure Joy.
ACEO The Ballerina
Monday morning, I always like to wake up to someone including me in a treasury on etsy. It just makes the day start out right. Especially when it is with a group artists that are so amazing. In fact, most of them were already favorites of mine on etsy! Anyway, the piece that was included is called ‘Red Guitar’ (available) and the treasury is entitled ‘Little Women’.
The above ACEO is called The Ballerina.