Mixed Media Artist

Posts tagged “super hero

My Red Crown and Cape

This is a 6″x8″ mixed media painting on wood. The sides are painted red and are 1.5″ deep.
This painting is $80 and is available HERE.

Yesterday, Scarlett was telling me what her day at preschool was like.

SCARLETT: We went to the gym and I played super hero with Atticus … no, actually, Atticus was a super villain, not a super hero.
ME: Oh, what was his super villain powers?
Scarlett: (Looking at me with much pity and disbelief) He didn’t TELL me.
ME: Oh right. Well, what was your super power?
SCARLETT: ( standing up and putting her right arm in the air) CLEANING!
ME: Now that IS a good super power.
(Here is hoping that this super hero comes for a visit to our house because I am pretty sure her arch-nemesis is living here!)

I love the way kids play super hero. My girls have had their moments, but the desire to be a princess is always stronger. I think that the cape is more of a boy thing. I remember a long time ago, before I even had kids, knowing a woman who had a boy who would not leave his house without his cape. I love that.