Mixed Media Artist

Posts tagged “tattoos

Lost In Your Dreams ( A Work In Progress)

This is a 18″x14″  mixed media painting in wood. The sides are 1.5″ deep and are painted red.

This painting is SOLD

This painting is not a work in progress. It is complete. Our subject, however,  just may be a work in progress, just as we all are. Living our lives on a day-to-day to basis. Doing the best we can.

I had a lot of things going around my head as I painted this one.  I was thinking about how when we are young, we sometimes give up our authentic selves  in order to be accepted in a group, or perhaps by a love interest. Sometimes we try so hard to become  what we feel we need to be,  we totally lose sight of who we really are. We try to blend in, to fit, to please, not realizing that, being untrue to who we really are will never lead to happiness.

As a mother of two young girls, intellectually,  I realize that helping my children to have self-confidence and self-respect is crucial.  Emotionally, however, I find it difficult when they question everything that I tell them  and make choices that I would  not make.  If I don’t let them make their own choices about these small things at this young age, how are they going to have the skills to make good descion when the stake are higher?  If I expect them to bend to my way, all of the time, why would I expect that they wouldn’t   bend to other people as well?

It is like walking a tightrope, trying to raise children that are considerate and respectful but also have their own ideas and purpose.

These are the titles that I wrote down as I painted this one:

Falling Into You

Becoming You

Becoming Me

I Become You

You Become Me

Blending In

Falling Into Me

Lost In Your Dreams

Lost In You

Don’t Forget You